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<INSERT NAME> Exhibition <Insert Term Number>

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Presentation on theme: "<INSERT NAME> Exhibition <Insert Term Number>"— Presentation transcript:

1 <INSERT NAME> Exhibition <Insert Term Number>
Lake Tuggeranong College <INSERT NAME> Exhibition <Insert Term Number> <Insert Title, Passion Project Heading> <Insert Date of Exhibition> <Insert Class Name>

2 Lake Tuggeranong College
Invitations On this slide please add a photo / image of your invitation. Talk about the process you followed when creating the invitations and importantly mention that you are thankful for all attendees especially the non-Big Picture Teacher

3 Lake Tuggeranong College
Agenda On this slide you are to list what you are going to talk about in your Exhibition. Type those things into this box and make sure you number or bullet point them. Insert

4 Lake Tuggeranong College
Essential Response #1 On this slide please type an excerpt from your chosen essential response. This may be a blog entry you have written, a journal entry you completed with Jackie or a personal reflection on a lesson in class or LTI day.

5 Lake Tuggeranong College
Essential Response #2 On this slide please type an excerpt from your chosen essential response. This may be a blog entry you have written, a journal entry you completed with Jackie or a personal reflection on a lesson in class or LTI day.

6 Lake Tuggeranong College
Polished Response On this slide please share an excerpt from your polished response. This was the piece of work we edited, edited, edited and then edited again. It was something that someone else then edited and resulted in a polished piece of writing. Insert a photo of your polished response on the left.

7 Learning Plan Summary – PMI Chart
Lake Tuggeranong College Learning Plan Summary – PMI Chart On this slide please have your PMI Chart you completed about your Learning Plan this term. Ensure you talk about “what a PMI Chart is”

8 Lake Tuggeranong College
Service Learning On this slide please have examples of how you serviced or assisted the community. This may be through a fundraiser, by making posters for Harmony Day or by generally helping someone out in need. Add a photo of this on the left and then talk about it at your Exhibition.

9 Lake Tuggeranong College
Learning Plan Task #1 On this slide have an example of a task you completed from your Learning Plan. Choose a task that is “your best work!”

10 Lake Tuggeranong College
Learning Plan Task #2 On this slide have an example of a task you completed from your Learning Plan. Choose a task that is “your best work!”

11 LTI – Learning through Internship
Lake Tuggeranong College LTI – Learning through Internship On this slide have many images of you at a shadow day or LTI. Also, include a excerpt of a reflection you wrote about your LTI or shadow day.

12 Lake Tuggeranong College
Bibliography On this slide please have your bibliography. Use Harvard Reference Generator to assist with this.

13 Thankyou For Attending My Exhibition
Lake Tuggeranong College Thankyou For Attending My Exhibition

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