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Using Informatics to Promote Community/Population Health

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1 Using Informatics to Promote Community/Population Health
Chapter 21 Using Informatics to Promote Community/Population Health

2 Objectives Provide an overview of community and population health informatics. Describe informatics tools for promoting community and population health. Define the roles of federal, state and local public health agencies in the development of public health informatics.

3 Using The Foundation of Knowledge Model
The collection and processing of population health data creates the information that becomes the basis for knowledge in the field of public health. Knowledge about disease trends and other threats to community health can improve program planning, decision-making, and care delivery.

4 Core Public Health Functions
Assessment and monitoring of the health of communities and populations at risk to identify health problems and priorities; Formulation of public policies designed to solve identified local and national health problems and priorities; To assure that all populations have access to appropriate and cost-effective care, including health promotion and disease prevention services, and evaluation of the effectiveness of that care   

5 Public Health Definitions
The Institute of Medicine of Medicine (IOM) defines the role of public health as “fulfilling society’s interest in assuring conditions in which people can be healthy”(IOM, 1988). Functions of public health include prevention of epidemics and the spread of disease, protection against environmental hazards, promotion of health, disaster response and recovery, and providing access to health care (PHDSC 1, 2006)

6 Community Health Risk Assessment
Risk assessment tools have been developed to identify potentially harmful elements in the environment also called a "threat and risk assessment." “A "threat" is a harmful act such as the deployment of a virus or illegal network penetration. A "risk" is the expectation that a threat may succeed and the potential damage that can occur” (PCMAG, 2007).

7 Community Health Risk Assessment, con’t.
Estimate of current and future exposures and if exposure will pose health risks to a broad populations are used to weigh the benefits and costs of various program alternatives for reducing exposure to potential hazards.

8 Four Basic Steps of Risk Assessment
Hazard identification-- determine the types of health problems could be caused by exposure to a potentially hazardous material. Exposure assessment-- determine the length, amount, and pattern of exposure to the potentially hazardous material.

9 Four Basic Steps of Risk Assessment, con’t
3. Dose–response assessment-- estimate of how much exposure to the potential hazard would cause varying degrees of health effects. 4. Risk characterization-assessment of the risk of the hazardous material causing illness in the population. How much risk is acceptable?

10 Examples of Risk Assessment Tools
Suicide Prevention Community Assessment Tool (SPRC) Youth Risk Behavior Surveillance System (YRBSS) The Behavorial Risk Factor Surveillance System (BRFSS) National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES).

11 Agency Support of Epidemiology and the Monitoring of Disease Outbreaks
New technology can provide disease surveillance for: timely investigation and identification of data needs to manage the public health response to an outbreak or terrorist event. Surveillance uses health-related data that signal a sufficient probability of a case or an outbreak that warrants further public health response.

12 Preparedness in Public Health
more timely detection of potential health threats situational awareness surveillance outbreak management countermeasures response communications

13 Syndromic Surveillance
Typically used to target investigations of potential infectious cases, Can be used to detect possible outbreaks associated with bioterrorism (CDC, 2007). Early detection of possible outbreaks can be achieved through timely and complete receipt, review, and investigation of disease case reports, especially trend reports.

14 Data Collection and Interpretation
Identification of absences from work or school Increased purchases of health-care products, including specific types of over-the-counter medications Presenting symptoms to health-care providers Laboratory test orders (CDC, 2007).

15 Networked Data Exchange Systems
PulseNet USA: A surveillance network for food-borne infections. National Electronic Disease Surveillance System: Facilitates reporting on approximately 100 diseases with data feeding directly from clinical laboratories allowing for early detection.

16 Data Exchange Systems Epidemic Information Exchange: A secure communication system for practitioners to access and share preliminary health surveillance information. Health Alert Network: A state and nationwide alert system. Biosense: Provides improved real-time biosurveillance and situational awareness in support of early detection. Public Health Information Network: Promotes standards and software solutions for the rapid flow of public health information.

17 Agency Support of Epidemiology and the Monitoring Disease Outbreaks
Information is vital to public health programming. The data processed into public health information can be from administrative, financial and facility sources. Data on vital statistics from state and local governments are also used for public health purposes.

18 EHRs Promote Public Health
Generate population-level alerts to be sent to clinicians through these electronic record/data exchange systems. Allow automated syndromic surveillance of emergency department records and media surveillance, promoting early detection of potential pandemic occurrences.

19 Applying Knowledge to Health Disaster Planning and Preparation
The availability of data and speed of data exchange can have a significant impact on critical PH functions like disease monitoring and syndromic surveillance. The future of PHI will offer real-time surveillance data available electronically and investigations and emergences will be managed with the tools of informatics.

20 Informatics Tools to Support Communication and Dissemination
The revolution in IT has made the capture and analysis of health data and the distribution of healthcare information more achievable and less costly. Two-way communication between public health agencies, community: clinicians and clinical laboratories can identify clusters of reportable and unusual diseases.

21 Informatics Tools to Support Communication and Dissemination
PH information systems represent a partnership of federal, state and local public health professionals. Dissemination of prevention guidelines and communication among PH officials, clinicians and patients has become a major benefit of PHI. IT solutions can be used to provide accurate and timely information that will guide public health actions.

22 Using Feedback to Improve Responses and Promote Readiness
Improvement of community health status and population health depends on effective public and healthcare infrastructures. Population health data must be considered an important part of the infrastructure of all regional health information exchanges (RHIOs) which are the building blocks for a national health information network (NHIN).

23 Using Feedback to Improve Responses and Promote Readiness
A RHIO/NHIN can also support public health goals through broader opportunities for participation in surveillance and prevention activities, improved case management and care coordination, and increased accuracy and timeliness of information for disease reporting (LaVenture, 2005).

24 Using Feedback to Improve Responses and Promote Readiness
Public health informatics strives to ensure that health data systems will meet the data needs of all organizations interested in population health as national and international standards are dev eloped for healthcare data collection. This includes standardization of environmental, socio-cultural, economic and other data that are relevant to population health (PHDSC, 2007).

25 Thought Provoking Questions
Imagine that you are a public health informatics specialist and you and your colleagues have determined that the threat of a new strain of influenza indicates a need for a mass inoculation program. What public health data would have been used to determine the need for such a program and What data will be collected to determine the success of such a program?

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