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Hazelwood v. Kuhlmeier 1988.

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1 Hazelwood v. Kuhlmeier 1988

2 Plaintiff’s Side The students argued that their First Amendment rights under the Tinker standard was violated by not letting them print their articles of teen pregnancy and the impact of divorce on kids

3 Defendants Side It would be unfair for the Pregnant girls who attended that school and felt identified with the text The parents of the students quoted in the divorce could respond to it

4 Decision School officials can censor school-sponsored student publication when there is a legit reason The reason for this is that private student speech and speech in school-sponsored activities differ because the content might affect the public and it can affect the prestige of the school.

5 Repercussions and lasting impact
There are narrow views on the rights that students have in public schools Morse v. Frederick was a case affected by this decision when the students wanted to make a banner that said “Bong Hits for Jesus“ to advocate the use of illegal drugs because the principal wanted to prevent this type of speech because of the consequences of illegal drug use Now this is used as an excuse to not let the students express their freedom of speech

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