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Research Design and Planning

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2 Research Design and Planning
Chapter 5 Research Design and Planning

3 Chapter Objectives Understand the different aspects relevant to designing a research study Identify the scope of given study and the purpose for which the results will be used Decide, for any given situation, the type of investigation needed Identify whether a clarification, causal or correlational study is more appropriate List and describe the main components of a research proposal

4 The Research Design

5 Purpose and the Research Method

6 Researcher Interference
Minimal Moderate Excessive

7 Study Setting Contrived vs Non-contrived Field studies
Field experiments Lab Experiments

8 Units of Analysis Individuals Dyads Groups Organisations Cultures

9 Time Horizon Cross-Sectional Longitudinal

10 The Research Proposal A plan for conducting the research Purpose
Document the logic of decisions Justify the investment in the research Persuade others to support the project Provides a budget and time-frame

11 The Research Proposal (cont.)
Components Title Introduction Research objective Justification Research design

12 The Research Proposal (cont.)
Components (cont.) Research schedule Approvals Resources Budget Report preparation and distribution


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