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Formation of the Solar System

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Presentation on theme: "Formation of the Solar System"— Presentation transcript:

1 Formation of the Solar System

2 Brain Pop Solar System

3 Nebular Theory The sun and planets condensed out of the same spinning nebula. The entire solar system was formed at approximately the same time.

4 Solar Nebula Collection of gas and dust that developed into our solar system. Sun developed first out of 99% of the matter. 4-5 billion years old

5 Formation of Planets Planetesimals formed from matter in the solar nebula. Planetesimals join to form Protoplanets. Protoplanets condensed into existing planets and moons. Moons - smaller bodies orbiting planets

6 Distance from the sun influenced planet formation

7 Inner planets Terrestrial planets Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars
Contain large amounts of heavy elements. Weaker gravity could not hang on to lighter gases.

8 Outer Planets Gas Giants Retained gases because of distance from sun
Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune. Helium Hydrogen, frozen methane, ammonia and other gases.

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