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The U.S. Constitution Chapter 2.

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1 The U.S. Constitution Chapter 2

2 The Constitutional Convention
All White Men Delegates from several states, not Rhode Island Met in secret No media No television Brand New Constitution. Would this work today?

3 Articles of Confederation
AOC: a weak constitution that governed America during the Revolutionary War. “A league of friendship” Each state was independent Each state had one vote, no matter their size. Congress could coin money, make treaties, and appoint army officers Legislators were picked and paid for by the state. Under the AOC it was “controlled” chaos.

4 The Constitutional Convention
A meeting in Philadelphia, PA in 1787 that produced a new constitution. Lasted 4 months. Protect: Life, Liberty, and Property. Philadelphia Constitution: one-house legislature, elected for no more than 4, 1 year terms. No Presidents, just legislature. Unicarmel: one house government Massachusetts Constitution: elected governor who could veto, judges ruled for life, legislatures had to be Christian and property owners Very weak Shay’s Rebellion

5 The Outcome The Virginia Plan: proposed to make a strong national government 3 branched: legislative, executive, judicial 2 houses in the legislative: one elected by the people, the other chosen by the first house. The two houses also picked the judiciary, and the executive. The New Jersey Plan: proposed to make a weak national government. Wanted to amend the AOC Each state would have 1 vote. In the first vote the Virginia Plan won by several votes.

6 The Great Compromise July 4th meeting
The House of Representatives was based on state population for representation The Senate would have two senators from every state. Everything then became a compromise President Election Judicial Selection/Approval Term Lengths The Final draft of the Constitution was submitted on August 6th, went through line by line and approved by all 12 states on September 17th.

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