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Crash and Depression Learning Unit Mrs. Deming

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1 Crash and Depression Learning Unit Mrs. Deming
Election of 1932 Crash and Depression Learning Unit Mrs. Deming

2 Happy Days Are Here Again!!!

3 Key Concepts President Hoover hoped to use voluntary action to end the Depression. Federal government action and funds for relief were inadequate under Hoover. Promising a “New Deal”, the Democratic candidate, Franklin Delano Roosevelt, won an overwhelming victory in the presidential election of 1932.

4 Hoover’s Last Attempt Voluntary action = made businesses promise to maintain wage rates; citizens would come out of the Depression on their own Gov’t spent $ on new public buildings, roads, parks, dams to stimulate the economy and provide jobs

5 Hoover’s Last Attempt Hawley-Smoot Tariff = highest import tax in history Tried to limit foreign imports coming into the US Backfired—European countries raised their own tariffs on our goods going to Europe Reconstruction Finance Corporation—gave government credit to banks so they could extend loans

6 Hoover’s Last Attempt Refusal to provide direct federal relief brought bitter public reaction and negative publicity People wanted to see aid from the federal government

7 Bonus Army In 1932, 20,000 jobless WWI veterans and their families marched in Washington demanding payment of a pension bonus scheduled for 1945 Senate refused to accept Few thousand stayed in Washington living in shacks—very visual to the public

8 Bonus Army General MacArthur ordered force to be used to drive the marchers out of Washington More negative publicity for Hoover

9 Democratic Nominee Franklin Delano Roosevelt
Political couple—Eleanor Roosevelt worked towards legislation for women Polio-stricken—had a genuine compassion for ordinary people “New Deal” political platform (ideas, proposals) Programs to put people back to work and end the Great Depression FDR won the election by 7 million votes

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