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Chapter 11- Sides Game.

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Presentation on theme: "Chapter 11- Sides Game."— Presentation transcript:

1 Chapter 11- Sides Game

2 Election 1800 winner

3 Last Federalist President

4 Election First …

5 “Mud slung” at Jefferson in 1800

6 “Mud slung” at Adams in 1800

7 What was “revolutionary” about 1800?

8 Which regions did Adams win in 1800?

9 What did Jefferson (Congress) repeal upon taking office?

10 Outgoing Presidents after the election are called

11 Judiciary Act of ---- added 16 judgeships

12 Who sued James Madison?

13 William Marbury is one of the _____ judges.

14 Chief Justice for Marbury case

15 Marbury v. Madison established

16 House filed articles of impeachment against justice Samuel ________

17 Louisiana price tag?

18 Who sold Louisiana?

19 Napoleon had lost control of this island?

20 Emancipated slaves and this mosquito borne disease doomed Napoleon's efforts in Haiti

21 Napoleon feared the US would get close with

22 Tecumseh’s brother The Prophet led the Shawnee to defeat at

23 He became the hero of Tippecanoe

24 In the Barbary wars, Jefferson was fighting

25 British practice of forcing sailors (US) into service for the Royal Navy

26 This US Ship was attacked off the DELMARVA peninsula

27 This term refers to a halt in trade

28 The Embargo Act of 1807 hurt

29 The Embargo Act of 1807 was replaced with

30 US winner ?- Embargo Act

31 Known as Madison’s Gamble

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