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US History.

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1 US History

2 Rules Poster Review the rules of the class and do a poster and do the following Make a title of the rule (Respectful, Prepared, On Time, Responsibly) Make a slogan for the rule Make a collage of picture that depict your rule. At least 3 illustrations depicting examples of those rules Need captions for those illustrations depicting the example. Explain why your picked your examples. Need afterward partner up with the person with the same rule and make skit examples of what not to do .

3 Goals Look at last terms goals
Have you complete those goals, if so cross it out If not write down the percent of completion on the bottle left Put T2 for term 2 on the bottle right Grab one more post-it Write down T3 on the bottom right of the post-it Yellow= Academic Blue=family Pink= social Green = career

4 News Article Identification
Using your hand outs do the following: Annotate( # Paragraphs, Underline, Circle) and read the article. Identify: Headline Byline Location (city and state) Lead Paragraph : Who, what, when, why, where, and how. Supporting paragraphs: What are the ideas for each paragraph. Any counterclaims? Does the news piece fit the goals of the articles give examples for each goal

5 Article about immigration
Using the goals and main elements of an article, write about new immigrant to the US Describes a journey from the old country to the new country to: Angel Island Ellis Island You can use a fictional person or a family member describing the process to get to America Use Push 3 and pull 3 factors of the reason why the journey Must have 3 quotes. The quotes must have these characters and their point of view: Immigrant Us Immigration official Us citizen (nativism) One illustration

6 Peer Editing Article Using the article handout, peer edit someone else's article. Put the CB and your name Identify all part of the article Main elements: Headline, byline, Location, Lead paragraphs, supporting paragraph. Goals of a News Article: Factual-tells the truth , objective, current event or problem. Look at the flow and does it follow the instructions. Put down at least 3 comments to improve on the article. Fix your items

7 Study guide With a partner go over the studied guide and find the answers together Use your notes/activities to focus your information. US mnemonic devices and other memory skills to use for your vocab Think about causes and effects for each SS = Push and pull factors SS = Describe Social, political, and technological factors in growth in 20th century SS Describe Rockefeller, Morgan, Carnegie dominated politics in the Gilded age. Make outlines for each of the essay questions

8 Muckrakers Read form Upton Sinclair's The Jungle
Take notes on the paper. (more info on pg327) Reflect on what you think about the meatpacking industry during 1900’s. Write three different points of view: paragraph each about the conditions Factory owner Factory Worker Public Draw person for each group and label at least five things the represent each group

9 Progressive Presidents
Make a chart of the three Progressive Presidents Theodor Roosevelt, William Taft, and Woodrow Wilson The chart must have the following: Background of each president Economic- anything to do with money or deals Social – anything to do with the people Political- any thing to do with laws or the government . Must define bolded terms for each president Make a venn diagram of all three presidents using the information Reflection of the these presidents

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