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Happy Monday! Please start a new BW 6 paper…

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Presentation on theme: "Happy Monday! Please start a new BW 6 paper…"— Presentation transcript:

1 Happy Monday! Please start a new BW 6 paper…
Sentence Fragment: an incomplete sentence missing the subject or missing the verb Ex: Driving in the city during rush hour. Fix: Ex: A large Elm tree that was shattered by lightening.

2 Happy Monday! Please start a new BW 6 paper…
Sentence Fragment: an incomplete sentence missing the subject or missing the verb Ex: Driving in the city during rush hour. Fix: The man was driving in the city during rush hour. (add subject) Ex: A large Elm tree that was shattered by lightening. Fix: A large Elm tree that was shattered by lightening fell on the house. (add verb phrase)

3 ELA 9 Vocab 1:5 Word POS Def. Example Deploy To arrange strategically
2 Clandestine Adj Planned or occurring in secret especially for evil purposes 3 Strife N A bitter conflict, quarrel, or fight 4 Nettle To irritate; to annoy 5 Mar To impair; to render less perfect; to spoil 6 Infer To conclude; to deduce 7 Grimace To make a facial expression that shows pain or disgust 8 Drawl Speech with drawn out vowels; slow speech 9 Diurnal Occurring everyday 10 Abet To help someone do something illegal or wrong

4 A ELA 9

5 B ELA 9

6 C ELA 9

7 D ELA 9

8 E ELA 9

9 F ELA 9

10 G ELA 9

11 H Hey Y’all! ELA 9

12 I ELA 9

13 J ELA 9

14 Short Story Review Stations
“The Most Dangerous Game” Station 2: “The Scarlet Ibis” Station 3: “The Cask of Amontillado” Station 4: “TCA” Wrap-up

15 Happy Tuesday… Sentence Fragment: an incomplete sentence
missing the subject or missing the verb Ex:. PHHS offers many science classes. Such as Biology, Chemistry, and Physics. Fix: Ex: I need to find a new roommate. Because the one I have now isn’t working out too well.

16 Happy Tuesday… Sentence Fragment: an incomplete sentence
missing the subject or missing the verb Ex: PHHS offers many science classes. Such as Biology, Chemistry, and Physics. Fix: PHHS offers many science classes, such as Biology, Chemistry… Ex: I need to find a new roommate. Because the one I have now isn’t working out too well. Fix: I need to find a new roommate because the one I have…

17 Big Q: “Why do they have to die”
“The Most Dangerous Game” = Zaroff “The Scarlet Ibis” = Doodle “The Cask of Amontillado” = Fortunado What was the author’s purpose?

18 * Rainsford was the protagonist
General Zaroff from “TMDG” Doodle from “TSI” Fortunado From “TCA” * He was a murderer * Rainsford was the protagonist * It added suspense * * 1) He was a murderer PROOF from text: A) B) Rainsford was the protagonist PROOF from text: A) B) It added suspense PROOF from text: A) B)

19 Choose either Doodle or Fortunado to explain why the author had that character die & find proof from the text. Doodle OR Fortunado from “TSI” from “TCA” 1) 2) 3) 1) PROOF from text: A) B) 2) PROOF from text: A) B) 3) PROOF from text: A) B)

20 The Position Paper!!! prompt examples Introduction Position
Transitions Counter Argument The Position Paper!!! Rainsford Doodle Zaroff Montresor Fortunado Brother

21 Position Paper (ACT) Sample/Do together
Paragraph 1: (introduction) A. Restate the question B. Acknowledge both sides B. Position statement with three reasons Paragraph 2: A. Acknowledge counter argument B. State why the CA is wrong C. Strongest Reason (first thing from position statement) D. Support & Specific examples Paragraph 3: A. Second reason from position statement B. Support & specific examples C. Support & specific examples Paragraph 4: A. Third reason from position statement Paragraph 5: (conclusion) A. Restate your position statement B. Quote/Call to action/broad statement/theme…

22 Creating your INTRODUCTORY paragraph:
Restate the prompt Acknowledge both sides of the argument 3) YOUR Position statement When creating a work of fiction, many authors, such as Richard Connell, choose to make certain characters die. Some readers see this as necessary while others think that this adds too much violence to a story. In my opinion, Richard Connell was right to make General Zaroff die because Zaroff was a murderer, Rainsford was the protagonist, and Zaroff’s death added suspense to the story. In many short stories the author chooses to make their character die. Some readers see this as necessary since it adds to the elements of the story. Others see this as not necessary because it adds too much unneeded violence to the story. In your opinion, should Richard Connell the author of “The Most Dangerous Game” have made the character General Zaroff die?

23 Creating your body paragraphs:
In my opinion, Richard Connell was right to make General Zaroff die because Zaroff was a murderer, Rainsford was the protagonist, and Zaroff’s death added suspense to the story. Always keep in mind: YOUR Position statement 1st = Introduction 2nd = counter argument—why it’s wrong—and your first point from position statement 3rd = second point from position statement 4th= third point from position statement 5th = conclusion Should Should Not 1. murderer A. B. C. 2. protagonist A,B,C 3.suspense 1. Adds too much violence

24 Creating your body paragraphs:
In my opinion, Richard Connell was right to make General Zaroff die because Zaroff was a murderer, Rainsford was the protagonist, and Zaroff’s death added suspense to the story. Always keep in mind: YOUR Position statement 2nd = Counter Argument—why it’s wrong—and your first point from position statement Should Should Not Readers may believe that by having Zaroff die the story becomes too violent; however, they have not taken into consideration several factors. First of all… 1. murderer A. B. C. 2. protagonist A,B,C 3.suspense 1. Adds too much violence

25 Creating your next two body paragraphs:
In my opinion, Richard Connell was right to make General Zaroff die because Zaroff was a murderer, Rainsford was the protagonist, and Zaroff’s death added suspense to the story. Always keep in mind: YOUR Position statement 3rd = second point from position statement 4th= third point from position statement Should Should Not 1. murderer A. B. C. 2. protagonist A,B,C 3.suspense 1. Adds too much violence Not only was Zaroff a murderer, but the man who killed him, Rainsford, was once the quarry for Zaroff as well as the protagonist of the story. For example, …

26 Creating your next two body paragraphs:
In my opinion, Richard Connell was right to make General Zaroff die because Zaroff was a murderer, Rainsford was the protagonist, and Zaroff’s death added suspense to the story. Always keep in mind: YOUR Position statement 3rd = second point from position statement 4th= third point from position statement Should Should Not 1. murderer A. B. C. 2. protagonist A,B,C 3.suspense 1. Adds too much violence Not only does Zaroff’s death justified because Rainsfors is the “good” guy, but because it adds suspense to the story. This is shown when…

27 Creating your concluding paragraph:
In my opinion, Richard Connell was right to make General Zaroff die because Zaroff was a murderer, Rainsford was the protagonist, and Zaroff’s death added suspense to the story. Always keep in mind: YOUR Position statement In the end, Richard Connell had no choice but to make General Zaroff die. His death is justified not only because of his murderous actions, but because he was the antagonist and this death adds suspense to the story. Of all the choices Connell could make, this made the most sense. Should Should Not 1. murderer A. B. C. 2. protagonist A,B,C 3.suspense 1. Adds too much violence

28 Position Paper (ACT) Sample/Do together
Paragraph 1: (introduction) A. Restate the question B. Acknowledge both sides B. Position statement with three reasons Paragraph 2: A. Acknowledge counter argument B. State why the CA is wrong C. Strongest Reason (first thing from position statement) D. Support & Specific examples Paragraph 3: A. Second reason from position statement B. Support & specific examples C. Support & specific examples Paragraph 4: A. Third reason from position statement Paragraph 5: (conclusion) A. Restate your position statement B. Quote/Call to action/broad statement/theme…

29 Happy Wednesday… Sentence Fragment: an incomplete sentence
missing the subject or missing the verb Ex: Because the car was out of gas. Fix: Ex: A loud noise that scared me.

30 The Position Paper: Rough Draft
Revision: Working within a small group of no more than 3… Exchange papers & LABEL the elements * Restate prompt * Acknowledge both side * Position statement * Counter argument & proven wrong * Supporting paragraphs(x2) * Conclusion 3) Edit for above elements The process: Choose which character/story you are writing about Follow the template we did together for Zaroff Write your rough draft in class Call me over when you are done…

31 Happy Thursday… Run-on Sentence: Two complete sentences incorrectly combined. Ex: Murray takes the train to school Mom rides the bus Fix: Ex: Carmen loved traveling in Italy she felt Rome was too hot.

32 The Position Paper: Final Draft
The process: Look over your rough draft and make final revisions/additions Write out your final draft in pen When finished, label the parts of your paper: * Restate prompt * Acknowledge both side * Position statement * Counter argument & proven wrong * Supporting paragraphs(x2) * Conclusion When finished: Staple final draft on top of rough draft Double-check to make sure your name is on it & you have labeled the parts Read your novel…book talks are coming up!!!!

33 Happy Friday! Please have out the following: pen/cil Bell work 6
Table of contents Latest progress report Vocab 1:5 words to look over for test

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