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Text me a legislation that links to Equality, Diversity and Rights

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Presentation on theme: "Text me a legislation that links to Equality, Diversity and Rights"— Presentation transcript:

1 Understanding how national initiatives promote anti discriminatory practice

2 Text me a legislation that links to Equality, Diversity and Rights
Starter Text me a legislation that links to Equality, Diversity and Rights

3 Test your EDR knowledge
Search KaHOOT on mobiles/tablets Enter game pin Enter name 10 minutes

4 Plan of action EDR task 2 in next Friday Health and safety feedback next week with deadlines set for any amendments Equality, Diversity and Rights Task 3- P4 M2 and D1 PowerPoint presentation and report Task 4- P5 M3 and D2 Training Pack

5 P4,M2 and D1 Understand how local national initiatives promote anti discriminatory practice What is Anti-Discriminatory practice? Anti-discriminatory practice aims to counteract the negative effects of discrimination on patients/clients and to combat discrimination in all its forms. The organisation you work for will have policies that provide guidance on anti-discriminatory practice, and you should also be able to access training on anti-discriminatory practice through your employer – speak to your manager or supervisor about this.

6 Aim is to help improve people’s independence and wellbeing.
It is a legal requirement for local authorities to provide or arrange services that help prevent people developing needs for care and support 5minutes +1

7 The Care Act 2014 Now read the handout highlighting Key information
Ways in which the act could prevent discrimination

8 Mindmap Initiatives introduced by the Care Act (2014) that promote anti-discriminatory practice

9 Local authorities take into account:
what services, facilities and resources are already available in the area identifying people or carers in the local area who might have care and support needs that are not being met They must ensure can get the information and advice they need to make good decisions about care and support; have a range of providers offering a choice of high quality, appropriate services +1 1) what services, facilities and resources are already available in the area (for example local voluntary and community groups), and how these might help local people

10 Why the law was amended Meet the needs of 21st Century care and support More person centred – Personalised care Fair and consistent Allowing people to express preferences through assessments Support for carers Provide a legal framework so organisations and individuals agree to work together and know what role they must play 10minutes

11 Information and advisory services
Day centres Financial advice Support Services Personal Assistance Specialised Dementia Care Residential Care Befriending Services Support for carers

12 Assessment process The person’s needs and how they impact on their wellbeing – for instance, a need for help with getting dressed or support to get to work The outcomes that matter to the person – for example, whether they are lonely and want to make new friends The person’s other circumstances - for example, whether they live alone or whether someone supports them 5 minutes

13 Research Locate items from the media discussing the Care Act (2014)
Consider how trustworthy the sources are Find and note take  Discussion that the Act will be or has been successful- Can this be linked to anti-discriminatory practice  Discussion criticising the success of the initiative- can this be linked to anti- discriminatory practice

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