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Who, When, Where, What, Why, What else

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1 Who, When, Where, What, Why, What else
Gettysburg Who, When, Where, What, Why, What else


3 WHO Union (North/Blue) vs Confederates (South/Gray) Confederates were invading the Northern State of PA. Union Leader is George Meade, Confederate Leader is Robert E Lee


5 WHEN July 1,2,3, 1863 Avg. Temp ~ 84 degrees The Civil War has been just about two years old before the battle. So far the war had been a DRAW.

6 WHERE Small town on the PA/Maryland border. Gettysburg is 86 miles away from Washington D.C. and 184 away from Richmond. Pennsylvania is a Union/North/Blue state


8 WHAT July 2 Confederates try to take the high ground unsuccessfully
Confederates heading towards Philadelphia SHOES and beer Stopped by Union Calvary Confederates are winning July 2 Confederates try to take the high ground unsuccessfully Little Round Top Union are winning



11 WHAT cont. WHAT ELSE July 3 Outcome Confederates attack Union middle, Pickett's Charge Confederate artillery over shot from 1-3 pm Confederates charge at 3pm battle if over at 4pm Union win Confederates retreat WAR COULD HAVE ENDED HERE. ________________ Momentum is on the Union side 11/1863- Lincoln gives his Gettysburg Address


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