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1 Please quickly find your new assigned seat.
Do Now Please quickly find your new assigned seat. You should have received Mod 1&2 scantrons WITH a test tracker attached. If not, come see me asap. You may use technology to help you answer both the front AND back of the test tracker. When you are done, please place your scantron with completed test tracker in the Exit Ticket Box.

2 Modules 3 and 5 Cellular Structure
(Day 1 of 6) They Might Be Giants – Cells (official video) - YouTube (3 mins)

3 How were cells discovered? A. New technologies lead to new discoveries
2 of 14 How were cells discovered? A. New technologies lead to new discoveries 1. Robert Hooke – Invented the first microscope and was the first to observe and name the small units that make up organisms. He called those small units cells because of the appearance of the structures in the dead cork he observed.

4 3 of 14 Anton van Leeuwenhoek ( ) 2. Anton van Leeuwenhoek – Improved the microscope and procedures for observing cells. He was able to clearly see living cells when observing the scrapings from his teeth.

5 1. All organisms are made of cells.
Through the cooperative efforts of many individual scientists, a unifying cell theory was developed: 1. All organisms are made of cells. 2. Cells are the structural and functional units of organisms. 3. All cells come from pre-existing cells.

6 What do cells share? Structures found in ALL cells:
5 of 14 What do cells share? Structures found in ALL cells: DNA, Cell membrane, Cytoplasm, and Ribsomes

7 Organelles 6 of 14 Cytoplasm is the “filling” of the cell and is made of up to 90% water. Ribosomes are organelles that are the site of protein synthesis.

8 Cell membrane (plasma membrane)
7 of 14 Cell membrane (plasma membrane) Composed of a phospholipid bilayer with embedded proteins. The fluid mosaic model describes the structure of the cell membrane. Fluid – Individual phospholipids and proteins can move past each other; they are not fixed in one position. Mosaic – The membrane has more than one type of molecule (phospholipids and proteins)

9 Functions of the cell membrane
Selectively permeable – regulates what enters and leaves the cell. This helps maintain homeostasis. Along with the cytoplasm, the membrane gives the cell shape. 8 of 14

10 Organelles Nucleus- surrounds the chromosomes for additional protection; controls all the cell’s activities. Nucleus is surrounded by a phospholipid bilayer (nuclear envelope/nuclear membrane). 9 of 14 Random fact: In high school I had the opportunity to earn my cosmetology license if I stayed in the elective program all 4 years, but I let my absences deter me from that goal. I was kicked out of the program at the end of my freshman year.

11 10 of 14 Organelles Mitochondria – site of cellular respiration which produces cell energy (ATP). Structure contains folded membranes which increases surface area allowing more space for more reactions.

12 Size differs in plant vs. animal cells.
Organelles Vacuoles – store food, waste or water used inside the cell or excreted from the cell. Size differs in plant vs. animal cells. Lysosomes – contain digestive enzymes which digest food contained in vacuoles as well as old or damaged cell parts 11 of 14

13 Golgi Complex – packages materials for export from cells.
Organelles Endoplasmic Reticulum (ER) – a series of interconnected folded membranes that function in modifying proteins, detoxification of alcohols, and communication. Golgi Complex – packages materials for export from cells. 12 of 14

14 Organelles found ONLY in plant and plant-like cells
13 of 14 Organelles found ONLY in plant and plant-like cells Chloroplasts – organelles full of chlorophyll that are the site of photosynthesis which produce sugars (C6H12O6) Cell wall – provides extra support, protection, and shape for the cell; found outside the cell membrane and made of cellulose.

15 D. Structure found ONLY in animal cells
14 of 14 D. Structure found ONLY in animal cells 1. Centrioles – organelle that helps with cell division in animal cells.

16 Group Activity Cell Factory Analogy reading.
With 1 partner, answer the questions on a separate sheet of paper.

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