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Personality Healthy Living.

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Presentation on theme: "Personality Healthy Living."— Presentation transcript:

1 Personality Healthy Living

2 What is Personality?? How you feel How you think How you behave
***** Makes you UNIQUE!

3 Maintaining Mentally Healthy Personalities
Self Concept – A realistic picture of your strengths and weaknesses Being able to recognize and be aware of when to make changes Close Relationships – Interacting appropriately and developing close bonds Responsible Behaviors – avoiding blame, predict consequences, and responding maturely

4 Your personality depends on…
Heredity Traits passed genetically from parent to child Environment Learned behaviors based on family and community norms Social Influences: family, religion, school, society, ethnicity, etc.

5 Environmental Influences (4 types)
Conditioning: receiving rewards or punishments for behavior

6 Environmental Influences (4 types)
Modeling: learning by watching and copying behaviors

7 Environmental Influences (4 types)
Experience/exposure: new experiences, meeting new people, etc.

8 Environmental Influences (4 types)
Gender Roles: meeting societies expectations


10 ACROSTIC or WORDLE Create an acrostic using your personality traits OR
Create a Wordle using your personality traits


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