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Life Science Safety.

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1 Life Science Safety

2 Science Safety Science investigations often require equipment, chemicals, or living things. If not used safely, these things could harm people or the environment. Safety “rules” help to protect you!

3 Lab Attire Wear closed-toed shoes (No Sandals)
Tie back long hair with a hair band Remove dangling jewelry Do not wear loose clothing

4 Safety Rule #1 Leave materials alone until the teacher explains how to use them!

5 Safety Rule #2 The teacher must be in the classroom during lab activities. Never work alone.

6 Safety Rule #3 Do not enter storage areas (closets & cabinets) without permission.

7 Safety Rule #4 No food, drink, or gum allowed in the classroom!

8 Review Which of the following is NOT a correct safety procedure?
Food, drink & gum are not allowed in the lab Storage areas should not be opened or entered by students It is ok to begin lab immediately upon entering the classroom Students should tie long hair back and remove dangling jewelry

9 Safety Rule #5 Read all directions BEFORE beginning a lab. If you do not understand a direction STOP and ask your teacher before moving on.

10 Safety Rule #6 Clear lab table before beginning lab and clean lab station when you are finished.

11 Safety Rule #7 Only perform experiments that have been approved by your teacher.

12 Safety Rule #8 Tell the teacher IMMEDIATELY if there is an emergency, accident or injury!

13 Review Which of the following IS a proper safety rule?
It is ok to perform any experiment in lab Directions should be read BEFORE beginning an experiment In an emergency first tell your lab partner to get help It is ok to have clutter around your desk during lab

14 Emergency Procedures Stay calm Follow teacher instructions
Use Crisis Flipbook & get help in necessary

15 Signal Blue What is it? What should I do? What NOT to do….

16 Tornado Drill Move quickly and quietly downstairs Face lockers or wall
Get into safety position Cool Science Careers!

17 Fire Drills Line up SILENTLY on wall Stay in line
No talking or playing Listen for roll call Failure to follow directions = Detention

18 Safety Rule #9 Know where to find safety equipment and how to use it in an emergency!

19 Safety Equipment Fire extinguisher is next to the door
Pull pin and hold trigger You should not use if teacher is present!

20 Safety Equipment Fire Safety Stop, Drop, and Roll
Never wrap person while they are standing up!

21 Safety Equipment Eye wash is on right back counter
Remove yellow covers Turn on COLD water Pull knob & hold eyes open over water

22 Safety Rule #10 Horseplay is NEVER allowed. Don’t play around in lab!

23 Safety Rule #11 Wear safety gear when directed & keep on at all times.
Safety Goggles are worn to protect your eyes They should be worn when using chemicals, heat, or glass

24 Review When should safety goggles be worn? If heat is being used
If chemicals are being used If glassware is being used All of the above

25 Safety Rule #12 Know how to use lab equipment. If something breaks, STOP and tell the teacher! Carry equipment with both hands.

26 Safety Rule #13 Know where to put trash. Never take anything from lab.
Never put anything in the sink without permission. Clean lab station when finished Wash hands

27 Glass Safety Always wear goggles when using glass
Tell teacher if glassware is cracked or broken Never pick up broken glass with bare hands Teacher will dispose of broken glass in “Broken Glass Box”

28 Chemical Safety Always wear goggles!
Never taste anything in lab unless told: assume all chemicals are dangerous! Do not touch chemicals with bare hands or mix them together Use wafting technique to smell in lab

29 Heat Safety Always wear goggles when using heat!
Never reach over an open flame or leave unattended. Use tongs to handle hot glass

30 Life Science Safety Handle living specimens with respect
Do not cause harm or pain to any living organism

31 Life Science Safety Use caution during dissections:
Cut away from yourself and others when using scalpel Always wash you hands with soap and water after handling live or dead organisms.

32 Life Science Safety Beware of Biological Hazards!
Living material such as body fluids, bacteria, plants, or animals that could cause disease, sickness, or harm to you or the environment!

33 Life Science Safety Outdoor Activities
Follow same rules that you would inside classroom No horseplay Be aware of poisonous plants Tell teacher if your have life threatening allergies Do not disturb wildlife

34 Clothing Protection Safety
Safety Symbols Eye Safety Thermal Safety Clothing Protection Safety Poison Safety

35 Safety Symbols Biological Hazard Explosion Safety Radioactive Safety
Chemical Safety

36 Safety Symbols Fume Safety Electrical Safety Fire Safety
Open Flame Alert

37 Safety Symbols Animal Safety Plant Safety Disposal Alert

38 Review What does the following safety symbol warn you about?
Chemical safety Biological safety Biological hazard Glassware safety

39 Ultimately YOU are Responsible for your Safety!

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