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Happy Monday! Please have out your 30-15-10 List & your Argument notes from last week.

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Presentation on theme: "Happy Monday! Please have out your 30-15-10 List & your Argument notes from last week."— Presentation transcript:

1 Happy Monday! Please have out your List & your Argument notes from last week

2 30-15-10 List Meaning: Prefix Meaning De Opposite, away, from
Dis, Dif, Di Apart, not Epi Upon, on top Equi Equal Ex, E Out, From, Forth Examples: Eject Exhale Exit Prefix: Ex, E Class Examples: Visual/Memory Clue

3 Meaning: Meaning: Examples: Disperse Different Examples: Detract Defer Demerit Prefix: De Prefix: Dis, Dif, Di Class Examples: Class Examples: Visual/Memory Clue Visual/Memory Clue

4 Meaning: Meaning: Examples: Equality Equitable Examples: Epicenter Prefix: Epi Prefix: Equi Class Examples: Class Examples: Visual/Memory Clue Visual/Memory Clue

5 From Claim to Thesis: Getting More Specific
Closed Thesis Statement: * Main ideas of the argument * previews the major points * Typically three pronger! Open Thesis Statement: * Main ideas of the argument * does NOT list the points the intends to cover * usually used for longer essays, lots of points to cover Counterargument Thesis Statement: * summary of the counterargument precedes the writer’s opinion (uses although or but) * Advantage: immediately addresses the counter & helps the transition later

6 From Claim to Thesis: Getting More Specific
Closed Thesis Statement: Step 1: * Call off by 3’s Step 2: * 1’s = Closed 2’s = Open 3’s = Counter Step 3: * Read prompts, develop your assigned type of thesis statement; write on the paper… Open Thesis Statement: Counterargument Thesis Statement:

7 Exit Choose ONE of the following statements & turn into a: Claim of Value & Claim of Policy 1) Gun control 2) Legalizing marijuana 3) Welfare reform 4) Gay marriage

8 Please have out your 30-15-10 List
Happy Tuesday! Please have out your List

9 The Rhetorical Triangle
Exigence: an issue, problem, or situation that causes or prompts someone to write or speak. Ethos Speaker = Rhetorical Context Pathos: Audience Subject = Logos

10 Fallacies of Relevance
Logical Fallacy: Red Herring: Ad Hominem: Faulty Analogy: Weaknesses in an argument; failure to make logical connections between the claim & evidence Using evidence that is irrelevant to the claim…used as a measure of avoidance Type of red herring where the character of the speaker is attacked (against the man) Compares two things that are not comparable but have irrelevant or inconsequential similarities

11 Fallacies of Accuracy Straw Man: Either/Or Fallacy: A.K.A.
False Dilemma Occurs when a speaker chooses a deliberately poor or oversimplified example in order to ridicule and refute an idea Speaker presents two extreme options as the only possible choices

12 Fallacies of Insufficiency
Hasty Generalization: Circular Reasoning: When there is not enough evidence to support a conclusion Repeating a claim as a way to provide evidence, resulting in no evidence at all

13 Post Hoc Ergo Propter Hoc:
More Common Fallacies Post Hoc Ergo Propter Hoc: Appeal to False Authority: Ad Populum A.K.A. Bandwagon appeal Latin for “after which therefore because of which” Incorrect to claim that something is always a cause just because it happened earlier Correlation does not imply causation Someone who has no expertise on an issue is cited as an authority Evidence boils down to “everybody’s doing it”…

14 Please have out your notes from yesterday…
Happy Wednesday! Please have out your notes from yesterday…

15 Happy Wednesday! Identify the Fallacy… Logical Fallacy: Red Herring:
A. Incorrect to claim that something is always a cause just because it happened earlier B. Using evidence that is irrelevant to the claim…used as a measure of avoidance C. Type of red herring where the character of the speaker is attacked (against the man) Logical Fallacy: Red Herring: Ad Hominem: Faulty Analogy: Straw Man: False Dilemma Hasty Generalization: Circular Reasoning Post Hoc Ergo Propter Hoc: Appeal to False Authority: Bandwagon appeal

16 The Rhetorical Triangle
Exigence: an issue, problem, or situation that causes or prompts someone to write or speak. Ethos Speaker = Rhetorical Context Pathos: Audience Subject = Logos

17 Types of Evidence: First-Hand
Most common Adds a human element Appeal to pathos Speaker must be knowledgeable “inside” knowledge Personal Experience: Anecdotes: Current Events: Brief stories about other people Observed or told about Appeal to pathos Observation about local, national, global events Beware of bias…seek multiple perspectives

18 Types of Evidence: Second-Hand
Facts from research Gives background & context Helps establish ethos of writer Pitfall: do not misrepresent the event… Develops a point of comparison to a modern event/problem Historical Information: Expert Opinions: Quantitative Evidence: Expert = published research Expert = job/experience gives specialized knowledge Things that can be represented in numbers Statistics, polls, surveys, census, etc. Appeal to logos

19 Two Readings “Felons and the Right to Vote”- (NYT, 2004)
Read & Annotate for A. Claims & Types B. Evidence & Types C. Thesis & Type D. Any Fallacies? Types? “Global Warming is Colorblind”- (Orion, 2007) Read & Annotate for A. Claims & Types B. Evidence & Types C. Thesis & Type D. Any Fallacies? Types?

20 Happy Thursday… you have a quick quiz!
Take about three minutes & look over your notes on claims, thesis types, and fallacies… When you are done with the quiz, you will have the remainder of the hour to work on your Glass Castle assignment.

21 Take about three minutes & look over your Prefixes for 4:2
Happy Friday… Take about three minutes & look over your Prefixes for 4:2

22 “When Will We Learn?” – F. Zakaria
Read & Annotate Develop questions about: A. Claim B. Evidence C. Fallacies D. Tone E. Opinion based….open ended

23 How can we change the status quo at PHHS?
Connect to main points of the article Develop ideas about: A. Things that you’d like to change B. Solutions C. Resources needed D. Open-ended

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