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Thinking & Language (Chapter 10)

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1 Thinking & Language (Chapter 10)
Unit 5 Thinking & Language (Chapter 10)

2 Introduction

3 What This Unit Covers How & why do we form concepts?
How do we solve problems? How & why do we make judgments? Are humans the only species that has language? How does language work? Why do we have it?

4 Handout 10-1 Use prior knowledge to choose whether each statement is true or false. Educated guesses are encouraged.

5 Cognition We have learned how we receive, perceive, store, and retrieve information. Now, we’re looking at how our cognitive system uses this information.

6 Cognition Cognition: all the mental activities associated with thinking, knowing, remembering, and communicating. Cognitive psychologists study these mental activities, including logical & illogical ways in which we create concepts, solve problems, make decisions, and form judgments.

7 Need for Cognition John Cacioppo & Richard Petty
Attempts to identify differences among individuals in their “tendency to engage in & enjoy thinking” The higher the score, the greater the need for cognition Need an occupation that requires you to engage in & enjoy thinking Enjoy complex, problem-solving tasks Handout 10-2

8 Thinking Styles Epstein & Colleagues – Rational Experiential Inventory
Two modes of processing information Rational: analytic, effortful, explicit Experiential: intuitive, automatic, implicit Each person prefers one system over the other Different life problems may call for use of one system over another Handout 10-3

9 Discovering Psychology
#10: Cognitive Processes

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