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Friday, October 21 Freshman English.

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1 Friday, October 21 Freshman English

2 Entry Task Get your Composition Books, SpringBoard, and ROOTS SG 5 that is due. Check the StudyGuide for your NAME/DATE/WEEK5, etc. Make sure sentences have CAPITAL LETTERS and PERIODS, etc. Turn to the VOCAB section of your notebook and copy the following definition and example: ANALOGY: a comparison between two things for the purpose of drawing conclusions on one based on its similarities to the other EXAMPLE: Paw : dog :: foot : human Tears : Sad :: Smile : ____________

3 New Roots 6 tri = three prim, prime = first uni = one
sci = know, think equi = equal scope = watch, look graph, gram = write scrib, script = write multi = many ultima = last

4 Learning Targets Develop criteria for carefully crafting questions including follow-up questions. Sequence questions to improve logical flow in an interview.

5 Writing good questions
Write down the five questions you thought were least effective in the left-hand column (p. 48). With your partner, revise the questions to make them more open and effective. You might rewrite the question, or you might add follow-up questions. Suggested follow-ups: Why do you think that? That sounds interesting. Could you tell me more about it? What happened next? How has that influenced your life?

6 Interview Questions In the NOTES section of your CompBook, list AT LEAST FIVE questions you think might be useful to ask during your interview. Try to make them Open-Ended… but don’t forget to get the BASICS! You need to get information about how the person’s choices and experiences after high school contributed to his or her coming of age and becoming successful. You will need a chronology and specific event. College? Military? Job Training? Marriage? Relationships? Family? Jobs? Any other types of influential events? Where / When did these events take place? Any good (relevant) stories?

7 Potential Questions: Period 2
How/what was your financial situation in college? Loans/scholarships/debt? How did you find a college you were interested in? How did you choose? What was your living situation like in college? How did your childhood affect your decisions in High School and after? Any influential experiences or traumas? How did you decide on your major? Social life? Effect on education or life focus? Work life? Jobs during college? Favorites? How would you describe your college experience? Why? Do you have any regrets? What would you change about your past experiences? Do you have any fun stories to share? Any memorable or significant events that really helped you grow up? Any role models? Influences? Why is this experience important for you? Are you still learning? Taking classes? Or lifelong learner?

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