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Published byEaston Davids Modified over 10 years ago
Lesson Plan Using The SIOP Model: Counting Money
EDBE 5423 Jamie L. Embree Texas Woman’s University
Statement of Purpose I have often heard the phrase, “mathematics is a universal language.” Mistakenly, I believed that because mathematics consists primarily of numbers this subject would be the easiest for English language learners to learn. However, after having spent the past several weeks researching the Sheltered Instruction Observation Protocol (SIOP) Model, I now realize mathematics, as well as other disciplines, requires students to have a firm grasp of the English language in order to successfully master academic content being taught. My overall purpose is to design a math lesson that addresses both students’ academic and linguistic needs by following one of the suggested SIOP lesson planning formats provided in the text, Making Content Comprehensible for English Learners: The SIOP Model by Echevarria, Vogt, and Short (2013). The ultimate goal of my lesson will be to incorporate many of the components and features within the SIOP Model to ensure that challenging mathematical concepts are made much more comprehensible and accessible for learners with limited English proficiencies all while simultaneously and purposely promoting students’ language development.
Background Both in and outside the classroom, students have had prior experiences learning about money. Students can identify commonly used U.S. coins, including pennies, nickels, dimes, and quarters, and are capable of describing the value of each coin. To explicitly link students’ prior knowledge of the U.S. monetary system to the new concept of finding the value of a collection of coins using monetary transactions, together as a class, students will discuss what they already know about money in general, focusing on times when they have seen family members use coins and/or have used coins themselves. To further help students recognize the need for monetary transactions, the teacher will quickly jot down students’ responses on a thinking map shown on the overhead projector. A sample concept map can be found on PowerPoint slide 10. During the class discussion, the teacher will make the content more meaningful for ELLs by asking specific questions about money in their native country. Students should be encouraged to bring a collection of coins from home to share with the class. SIOP Features Concepts Linked to Students’ Backgrounds Links Between Past Learning and New Learning Incorporate Native Language
Content Concepts Appropriate for Age and Education of Students
Subject: Mathematics Topic: Counting Coins English Proficiency Level: Intermediate Grade Level: 2 Texas Essensial Knowledge and Skills (TEKS) 5 Number and Operations. (A) Determine the value of a collection of coins up to one dollar; and (B) Use the cent symbol, dollar sign, and the decimal point to name the value of a collection of coins. English Language Proficiency Standards (ELPS) 1A use prior knowledge and experiences; 1E internalize new basic/academic language; 3E share information in cooperative learning groups; 4G demonstrate comprehension through shared reading, retelling/responding/note taking
Content Objectives Language Objectives Key Vocabulary Emphasized Supplementary Materials
Preparation Content Objective: Students will be able to determine the value of coins in order to solve monetary transactions. Language Objectives: Students will read the poem, Smart, written by Shel Silverstein. In small groups, students will act out the money transactions in the poem using play money and write the value of each coin transaction using the cent symbol, and/or dollar sign. Content Vocabulary: Dollar, Quarter, Dime, Nickel, Penny, Monetary, Transaction General Academic Vocabulary: Determine, Value Supplementary Materials: 4 Large pieces of chart paper to be used to complete anchor charts; play U. S. coins for each student to use as manipulatives; student copies of the poem, Smart, by Shel Silverstein.
Clear Explanation of Tasks A Variety of Techniques Used Key Vocabulary Emphasized Supplementary Materials Motivation The teacher will discuss every aspect of the lesson with students. At the beginning of the lesson, the teacher will introduce the learning objectives. Students will already be accustom to this daily routine. Students will be asked to read both content and language objectives aloud, paying special attention to key vocabulary words. Together as a class, students will be randomly called on to complete four large charts which will be a review of previously taught vocabulary terms (dollar, quarter, dime, nickel, and penny) and introduce new terminology (monetary, transaction, determine, and value). Coin charts will be left hanging in plain sight for students to reference back to as needed during the group activity. An example of a blank chart to be completed for each of the four coins can be found on slide 11 of this presentation.
Presentation Distribute a copy of the poem, Smart, by Shel Silverstein and collection of play coins to each student. Read the poem aloud to students, speaking slowly, with clear enunciation, and using expression. While reading the poem, also refer to students’ coin charts as added visual support. Explain to students that they will be working in small groups, to find out how “smart” they are with money. Practice/Application Students will be prearranged in heterogeneous groups of four. Students will reread the poem together one stanza at a time. During this time, students will be asked to determine the amount of money the boy in the poem has by acting out the monetary transactions described in the poem, using the play coins as manipulatives. To ensure equal participation during the group activity, students will be instructed to take turns reading and swapping coins, making certain each member gets the opportunity to read and act out one stanza of the poem. The last stanza can be read together. As students read, they will record their findings on worksheet provided. An example of worksheet can be found on slide 12/13 of this presentation. Supplementary Materials Comprehensible Input Scaffolding Techniques A Variety of Techniques Used Opportunities for Interaction Integration of Each of the 4 Language Skills
Review/Assessment While students are completing group activity, the teacher will circulate among the groups, monitoring student comprehension. As needed, the teacher will offer support, and/or correct any misunderstandings through the use of questioning strategies. After students have completed reading and acting out the poem, they will be asked to answer four comprehension questions. By establishing heterogeneous grouping configurations, those students who require additional support will be provided extra assistance from their peers. When all groups have finished answering questions, the teacher will regain students’ attention, asking groups to share their answers in a whole-class discussion. For each of the questions, the teacher will make certain to accept responses from multiple groups and provide feedback. Examples of student questions can be found on slide 12. To further check for understanding, the teacher will briefly review learning objectives and key vocabulary by asking students, “Does the boy in the poem really understand the different values of money?” and then follow up with the question, “What advice could we give the boy about money values?” Scaffolding Techniques Continuous Assessment Higher-Order Questioning and Tasks Grouping Configurations Support Learning Objectives Feedback Review of Key Content Concepts and Vocabulary
Extension In order to master targeted skills, students must be given multiple opportunities to practice and apply newly acquired content and language knowledge. To provide students with more quality practice learning about money values and monetary transactions, the teacher will introduce a fun classroom activity in which students will be participating in the near future, called our classroom rummage sale. The teacher will tell students that on a predetermined date, they will be allowed to bring in a few personal items to sell to their classmates during our classroom rummage sale. Selected items brought from home must be of little value and approved by an adult. Examples may include, small trinkets, toys, books, and/or a student’s hand-made creation. The teacher will tell students to assign a value of less than $1.00 to each of their items to be sold. Important to note is that on the day of the classroom rummage sale, all students will be included; if a circumstance arises where a student does not have any items, the teacher will provide the student with items to sell. All students will then be given a ziplock bag to hold coins for making purchases. The teacher will explain to students that coins will be awarded over the next couple of weeks to students who exhibit exemplary classroom behaviors. Activities for Students to Apply Content and Language Knowledge Interaction
Money Example Thinking Map Worth Types A Value Earn Spend Save
European Euro Mexican Peso Dollar Bills Rich Different Values Vary By Country Chinese Yuan Have A lot Quarters Poor Japanese Yen Worth A Value Types Dimes Have A Little Money Nickels Pets Earn Spend Pennies Bills Clothes Save Chores Food Toys & Fun Wallet Purse Work Bank
Example of Coin chart Name of Coin Picture of Coin
Value of Coin Using Words Value of Coin Using Number and Money Symbol How many of these coins equals one dollar?
Smart Poem Worksheet (Front side)
Directions: Read the poem below with your group, each person reads and acts out one stanza using the coins. As you read, show the amount of coins the character gets when he trades his money. Use the coin charts we completed earlier as a class. When you are finished answer the questions about the poem on the back of this worksheet. “Smart” Poem by Shel Silversein Show your work by draw coins and write amount with money symbol My dad gave me one dollar bill ‘Cause I’m his smartest son, And I swapped it for two shiny quarters ‘Cause two is more than one! And then I took the quarters And traded them to Lou For three dimes--I guess he don’t know That three is more than two! Just then, along came old blind Bates And just’ cause he can’t see He gave me four nickels for my three dimes, And four is more than three! And I took the nickels to Hiram Coombs, Down at the seed-feed store, And the fool gave me five pennies for them, And five is more than four! And then I went and showed my dad, And he got red in the cheeks And closed his eyes and shook his head— Too proud of me to speak!
Smart Poem Worksheet (Back Side)
Directions: With your group, answer the following questions about the poem. 1. Do you think the boy in poem got a good deal? Why or Why not? 2. How do think the dad feels about his son’s actions at the end of the poem? 3. Why do you think the author of this poem, Shel Silverstein named his poem, Smart?
Conclusion While teachers may have little control over many factors that affect second language acquisition, such as the students’ cultural and educational background, current level of English proficiencies, particular learning styles and/or one’s motivations for learning, teachers do have control over the quality of instruction they choose to implement in the classroom. Following the SIOP lesson plan format helps teachers to plan meaningful classroom learning activities that integrate lesson concepts with opportunities to for students to practice developing English language skills. Adhering to the SIOP Model, teachers are provided with a comprehensive framework for becoming effective in designing and delivering high-quality lessons, ensuring both students’ academic and linguistic learning needs are supported. More specifically, when using the SIOP Model, lessons are guided by both content and language objectives, background knowledge is built and linked to past learning, concepts are made comprehensible, explicit vocabulary instruction is provided, assessment is an on-going process, higher levels of thinking are required, and student collaboration is encouraged. When all of these effective principles of SIOP instruction are used to high degree, challenging grade-level content becomes more accessible and meaningful for ELLs, thus allowing all learners to reach higher levels of academic achievement.
Resources The format used in designing this lesson plan can be found in the text, Making Content Comprehensible for English Learners: The SIOP Model, by Echevarria, Vogt, and Short (2013) on page 298. The poem worksheet used in this lesson was adapted from the webpage, The idea for the extension activity was adapted from the following webpage,
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