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PowerPoint Scavenger Hunt

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1 PowerPoint Scavenger Hunt
Your mission is to complete the scavenger hunt items in BLUE. There is one challenge on each slide. #1 Change the theme of this presentation. (Hint: Use the Design tab)

2 #2 Change the background of THIS slide—not all slides—to a beach scene, insert a beach ball, then animate your beach ball so it moves.

3 #3 Create a Venn Diagram (2 overlapping circles) below to compare and contrast the Pacific and Atlantic Oceans. Research for your information.

4 #4 Insert a map of the world and add red stars to five of the places you would like to visit.

5 #5 Use Word Art to identify one kind of food that you do not enjoy eating.

6 #6 Use “scribble” to draw a picture of your favorite fruit on this slide.

7 #7 Use this slide to create a collage of tilted and overlapping images of your favorite book, toy, or sport.

8 #8. Make a bulleted list of your 5 favorite movies and animate your list so they appear one click at a time in presentation mode.

9 *Bonus: Create a bar graph where the Y axis lists your main after school activities and/or time commitments (e.g. soccer practice, babysit sister) and X axis shows the number of minutes a day you do each activity.

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