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Why is it important to study animals responsibly?

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Presentation on theme: "Why is it important to study animals responsibly?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Why is it important to study animals responsibly?
Get Ready to Read Why is it important to study animals responsibly? What were the conditions like in laboratories like the one where JoJo lived? What are some of the things researchers learned about chimps by analyzing their behavior?

2 Amazing Words Endangered – likely to become extinct
Get Ready to Read Amazing Words Endangered – likely to become extinct What do you think is the difference between endangered and extinct? What animals do you know of that are currently endangered? Omnivores – people or animals that eat all kinds of food My dog, Paddy, is an omnivore because he eats bananas and carrots as well as meat. What is the difference between omnivores, carnivores and vegetarians? Innovations – changes in the established ways of doing things The new President introduced many innovations when he took office. What innovations would you like to make in the lunchroom?

3 How do the headings add to your understanding of the text?
Get Ready to Read Comprehension Check How do the headings add to your understanding of the text? Are the details about JoJo effective in persuading you to object to the poor treatment of chimpanzees in captivity? In addition to photographs and headings, what text features might you add to the text to improve readers’ understanding? Use what you learned about chimpanzees in captivity to define the word bleak on page 63. Which photograph in the first half of The Chimpanzees I Love engaged you the most as a reader?

4 As you read pages 64-65, think about:
Read and Comprehend As you read pages 64-65, think about: Use a dictionary and context clues to figure out the meaning of the word ranges on page 65. In paragraph 2 on page 65, the author writes that zoos are becoming better places for chimps to live in. What details support that idea? Read the caption that accompanies the photograph on page 64. Is it a statement of fact or opinion?

5 As you read pages 66-67, think about:
Read and Comprehend As you read pages 66-67, think about: Has the author succeeded in persuading you that her point of view is justified? Has she persuaded you to take some action? If not, how could she have written the article to persuade you? Identify the main idea of each numbered paragraph on page 66. Use context clues and the dictionary to figure out the meaning of the word snares in the second numbered paragraph on page 66.

6 As you read pages 68-69, think about:
Read and Comprehend As you read pages 68-69, think about: Think about the standalone quotations that Goodall includes throughout the selection. Why do you think she presented these quotations in this way? Why do you think captive chimpanzees live longer than chimpanzees in the wild? The title of this selection is the Chimpanzees I Love. The subtitle is Saving Their World and Ours. What is the meaning of the subtitle? Identify two of the important ideas from the selection. Answer the critical thinking questions on page 70.

7 Non-computer includes audiotapes, videotapes, DVDs, TV, radio
Read and Comprehend Electronic Media Two types of electronic media available for research – computer and non-computer Non-computer includes audiotapes, videotapes, DVDs, TV, radio Computer includes internet, CD-ROMs, software program and Formulate a question regarding animal research. What would be the best computer and non-computer electronic sources to use to answer your specific question? How can you conduct a safe and effective internet search?

8 Pronouns and Antecedents
Language Arts Pronouns and Antecedents An antecedent is the noun or nouns to which a pronoun refers A pronoun and its antecedent must agree in number and gender J. Fred Muggs starred on the Today show. Make up a sentence about J. Fred Muggs using pronouns instead of his name. 2. Logging companies are a threat to chimpanzees. Make up a sentence about logging companies using pronouns instead of companies 3. The monkey lived in a research lab. Make up a sentence about the monkey, using a pronoun instead of the monkey

9 Quiz your table partner on the spelling words.
Language Arts Quiz your table partner on the spelling words.

10 Read the story on page 73. Think about what you like about it.
Language Arts Imaginative Story Read the story on page 73. Think about what you like about it. Think about an animal that interests you. Now write a story about that animal. Write your rough draft. Be sure to include a beginning, middle, climax and end.

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