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MONDAY, FEBRUARY 9th (Watson – Tuesday)

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1 MONDAY, FEBRUARY 9th (Watson – Tuesday)
Grab Animal Farm chapters 4-5 vocabulary from the outbox. QW – How are you manipulated (handled or controlled) in your life? Friends? People? Social Media? Explain. This is private, and we will not share. Read chapters 4 & 5 Vocab, characterizations/connections, and summary Quiz, Quiz Trade

2 TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 10th (Watson – Monday)
QW – Is it more important to be a leader or a follower in making a change in society? Grab a SCOPE from the outbox - Page 2/3 “Grammar Gets Zombified” (In your journal) Select the correct among/between answer Body-Snatching Wasp – between and between Worm of Doom – among and between Brain-Robbing Wriggler – among and between Page Scope “Should Kids Play Football?” Read/bullet your argument (remember the cc) Meet with your side/discuss/prepare Philosophical Chairs

3 WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 11th Exit Ticket
QW - Look at the laws on the poster. Which law(s) do you see falling away? How can you connect this to our world? The Russian Revolution? GALLERY WALK You will work with your shoulder partner to try and match up your items with an explanation for each decision. Make sure you justify your answer.  Exit Ticket

4 THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 12th QW - Which picture was the most difficult to connect? Why was this? Create 3 – Level three questions (synthesis or evaluation) based on your in depth analysis of the text so far. SOCRATIC Class discussion/debate regarding each picture Breakdown – fable/fairy tale/allegory/parable; how does this apply with what you have read so far?

5 FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 13th QW - Write a Valentine letter to one character from another. Refer to your characterization log. What is the biggest “missing gap” you see in the reading? What character or events are unconnected for you to the Russian Revolution? Research “missing gaps” of understanding of the RR. Handout for Research Break up the * terms among your team Break up the non*’d terms among your team Everyone researches Trotsky MLA, citing sources, etc. HW as needed.

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