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Earlham High School Anatomy Class Cardiovascular System.

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1 Earlham High School Anatomy Class Cardiovascular System

2 The main organ of the cardiovascular system is the:
#1 The main organ of the cardiovascular system is the: A: Lungs B: Heart C: Liver D: Your mom!

3 B: Heart

4 Which of the following structures consists of self-exciting tissue?
#2 Which of the following structures consists of self-exciting tissue? A: chordae tendineae B: papillary muscles C: sinoatrial node D: atrial syncytium

5 C: sinoatrial node

6 Platelets are best defined as
#3 Platelets are best defined as A: Giant, multinucleated cells B: Cytoplasmic fragments of cells C: Immature leukocytes D: Lymphoid cells

7 B: cytoplasmic fragments of cells

8 The tissue that forms a loose-fitting sac
#4 The tissue that forms a loose-fitting sac Around the heart is the A: pericardium B: epicardium C: endocardium D: exocardium

9 A: pericardium

10 Nonprotein nitrogenous substances include
#5 Nonprotein nitrogenous substances include A: Amino acids B: Urea C: Uric acid D: All of the above

11 D: All of the above

12 Of the following, the one that is not a type
#6 Of the following, the one that is not a type of plasma protein: A: Heparins B: Fibrinogens C: Albumins D: Globulins

13 A: Heparins

14 Of the following, the one that is not a factor
#7 Of the following, the one that is not a factor that influences blood pressure: A: Blood volume B: Viscosity C: Digestive rate D: Stroke volume

15 C: Digestive rate

16 A normal white blood cell count (WBCC) is between
#8 A normal white blood cell count (WBCC) is between A: /mm3 of blood B: ,000/mm3 of blood C: 50, ,000/mm3 of blood D: 15,000-25,000/mm3 of blood

17 B: ,000/mm3 of blood

18 The basic event in the formation of a blood clot
#9 The basic event in the formation of a blood clot is the change of A: Fibrinogen to fibrin B: Fibrin to fibrinogen C: Thrombin to prothrombin D: Vitamin K to prothrombin

19 A: Fibrinogen to fibrin

20 The most important action of plasma albumin is
#10 The most important action of plasma albumin is A: Acting as antibodies of immunity B: Helping to control bleeding C: Serving as energy sources D: Helping to maintain blood osmotic pressure

21 D: Helping to maintain blood osmotic pressure

22 When the ventricular walls contract, the
#11 When the ventricular walls contract, the Bicuspid valve opens and the tricuspid valve closes Tricuspid valve opens and the bicuspid valve closes A: B: C: Bicuspid and tricuspid valves close D: Bicuspid and tricuspid valves open

23 C: Bicuspid and tricuspid valves close

24 The most active phagocytic cells among the
#12 The most active phagocytic cells among the leukocytes are A: Basophils and eosinophils B: Neutrophils and monocytes C: Lymphocytes and neutrophils D: Monocytes and lymphocytes

25 B: Neutrophils and monocytes

26 The density of capillaries within a tissue varies
#13 The density of capillaries within a tissue varies directly with the tissue’s A: Thickness B: Fluid content C: Type of matrix D: Rate of metabolism

27 D: Rate of metabolism

28 In an ECG pattern, the T wave is caused by
#14 In an ECG pattern, the T wave is caused by Polarization of ventricular muscle fibers A: Polarization of atrial muscle fibers B: Depolarization of ventricular muscle fibers C: Depolarization of atrial muscle fibers D:

29 B: Polarization of ventricular muscle fibers

30 In an ECG pattern, the P wave is caused by
#15 In an ECG pattern, the P wave is caused by Polarization of ventricular muscle fibers A: Polarization of atrial muscle fibers B: Depolarization of ventricular muscle fibers C: Depolarization of atrial muscle fibers D:

31 C: Depolarization of atrial muscle fibers

32 Great Job!!!! Thank you for playing!

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