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Science Activity: Stnd 01 Date

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1 Science Activity: Stnd 01 Date Standard 01: 8.PS2.1 Magnetism and Electricity Design and conduct an investigation about magnetism and electricity. Examine factors that increase or diminish the electric current and the magnetic field strength. Key Focus: Science and Engineering Practice(s) Develop and Use Models Key Focus: Crosscutting Concept Recognize cause and effect relationships 1st Investigation: Construct and test an electromagnet 2nd Investigation: Do an electromagnetic induction simulation. 3rd Investigation: Construct and test an electrical motor

2 (Generating Electricity)
Electromagnetic Induction (Generating Electricity) These devices are commonly called generators. Magnets and a coil of wire can induce (generate) electricity The magnet has to move through the coil (solenoid) … or the coil has to move through the magnet. To Increase/Decrease the Electrical Current: (1) Move it faster or slower (2) Add or remove coils.

3 Construct an Electrical Generator
Watch this video clip. Link (2:33): Build A Simple Electrical Generator What cause and effect connection(s) did you observe about electrical output and the number of windings and rotary speed?

4 Online Simulations: Electromagnetic Induction
Link: Simulation 02-Generator Link: Simulation 03-Generator What cause and effect connection(s) did you observe in these electromagnet induction simulations?

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