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2 Webster’s-Proceeding from one’s natural feeling without external constraint; not contrived (meaning planned) or manipulated. ( meaning to influence for one’s personal advantage.) How? No preplanning or seeking to entertain!

3 Some more rules of Improv
Say whatever comes to mind as its associated with what is going on in the scene/game. We call this “free-association.” Take risks! Take away fear through mutual support and cohesion and trust. Trust yourself and your instincts! Don’t Judge! Putdowns are forbidden! Make every member of your group a valuable member of the team.

Gagging- is when a player says something that breaks reality for the story in order to get a laugh.  Reincorporation—Where an image or an idea or character that has come up previously in the story is reintroduced. When that image or character is reincorporated it brings the story back to where it began, it brings it a full circle and makes the story better. Only when reincorporation occurs, do we have a true denouement.

5 4 PART Story Formula- Introduce characters and place. Exposition
Get characters into trouble. Initiation of Conflict, Rising Action, Climax  Get characters out of trouble. Usually three attempts to solve the problem before it is solved. Falling action Get characters home safely with lesson learned. Denouement

6 Simplified Plot Development
  Get character out of trouble Introduce characters Get character home safely/ and place with lesson learned Get character into trouble

7 Journal # 2 Journal # 2: 30 points
What is the definition of spontaneity? (Use Webster’s definition as well as your own.) 5 points What are the four parts to the story-formula? Which activities did you use the story formula in? When the story formula was followed, did you find the story to be more effective, or less effective? Why or why not? 5 points    Talk about, in detail, two activities that we played in class this past week and a half that helped you the most with your spontaneity skills. Talk about the game/activity, in detail, that helped you the least. 10 points Story-Story-Die and all the variations were performance activities. Give yourself a score between a 1-10 on your spontaneity. Also, give yourself a score between a 1-10 on your personal growth/effort. Explain why you gave yourself the score you did. 10 points This journal response needs to be at least 2 pages in length. (One page front to back)

8 Games/Activities we played
Sound Ball/Body Ball One sentence stories Image Associations Concentration/Free Association Firing Line Questions What are you doing? Story-Story Die Phone Bank Goon River


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