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What does the cartoon show you...write it into your book?

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Presentation on theme: "What does the cartoon show you...write it into your book?"— Presentation transcript:

1 What does the cartoon show you...write it into your book?

2 Science V Religion

3 Big Picture Last lesson we looked at the Design and Causation Argument. We watched a clip on the Creation Story. Your homework was to find out about Scientific Explanations for the creation of the Universe. Skills for today will focus ICT

4 Outcomes All will be reminded on the Creation Story from the Bible genesis Chapter 1 All will be able to explain one Scientific Explanation that Most will know what an atheism and an agnostic is Most will create a ICT project on Science V Religion

Most scientists today believe that the universe came into existence some 15 billion years ago with a vast explosion of matter known as the “Big Bang” . Some matter flew away and others joined together. The earth was formed some 5 billion years ago, gases on the surface produced small life forms From all of this came: Space time all the matter and energy in the universe: stars and planets and the stuff we are made of

6 WHAT IS EVOLUTION? Life forms as we are today have evolved over time from one cell systems. Over 1 million years ago, ape-like creatures developed. They began to walk on their hind legs. As they could stand upright they had their hands free to help them to do things. They were able to make tools and weapons to help them to survive. This was the beginning of mankind.

7 WHAT????????? In Genesis it states; God made everything ‘
Instant creation of humans Everything was made good with own identity

8 ICT TASK - Religion V Science
Create a PowerPoint using images to help you. It must include; Science Theories – Big Bang Theory, Evolution Religion – Genesis, God created the Universe Your opinion – which do you think is correct

9 Agnosticism and Atheism
An Atheist is An Agnostic is Look at your keyword sheet and write the full sentence in your book to complete the definition

10 Review Complete table into your books filling in the Key Words
STAND UP – WHAT DO YOU BELIEVE? Next lesson you will write your opinion into an exam answer. RELIGION SCIENCE God ___________ the Universe God created__________ in his image In the Book of _________ in the Bible it tells you how God create the world God said ‘Let there be light’ this could mean that God caused the _________ Theory Big____ Theory _______ proves that humans evolved over millions of years from a single cell

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