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2 and their relationships to one another Ana = apart tomy = cut
WHAT IS ANATOMY? The study of structure and shape of the body and its parts and their relationships to one another Ana = apart tomy = cut

3 The study of how the body and its parts work or function
WHAT IS PHYSIOLOGY? The study of how the body and its parts work or function -many subdivisions

atoms cells tissues organs organ system organism

5 Systems Overview: Skeletal Integumentary
Protects and supports body organs provides framework the muscles use to cause movement Blood cells are formed within bones Stores minerals Integumentary External body covering Protects deeper tissue from injury Synthesizes vitamin D Location of cutaneous receptors and sweat and oil glands

6 Systems Overview: Muscular Allows manipulation of the environment
Locomotion Facial expression Maintains posture Produces heat Nervous fast-acting control system Responds to internal and external changes by activating appropriate muscles and glands

7 Systems Overview: Endocrine Cardiovascular
- Glands secret hormones that regulate processes such as growth, reproduction, and nutrient use by body cells Cardiovascular Blood vessels transport blood Carries oxygen, carbon dioxide, nutrients, wastes, etc. The heart pumps blood

8 Systems Overview: Respiratory Keeps blood constantly supplied with oxygen and removes carbon dioxide Gaseous exchange occurs through the walls of the air sacs of the lungs Lymphatic Picks up fluid leaked from blood vessels and returns it to blood Disposes of debris in the lymphatic stream Houses white blood cells involved in immunity

9 Systems Overview: Digestive
Breaks food down into absorbable units that enter the blood for distribution to body cells ingestible food stuffs are eliminated as feces Urinary Eliminates nitrogenous wastes from the body Regulates water, electrolytes and acid-base balance of the blood

10 Systems Overview: Male- -Production of offspring
Reproductive Male- -Production of offspring -Testes produce sperm and male sex hormone -Ducts & glands aid delivery of viable sperm Female- Ovaries produce eggs & hormones Site for fertilization and development of the fetus Mammary glands produce milk to nourish newborn

11 Maintaining Life Movement- small & large level
Maintaining boundaries- inside is inside Movement- small & large level Responsiveness- sense changes and react Digestion- taking in nutrients Metabolism- all chemical reactions Excretion- removing wastes from body Reproduction- producing offspring Growth- increase in size

12 Homeostasis body’s ability to maintain relatively stable internal conditions even though the outside world is continuously changing control mechanisms include receptors, control center and effectors negative feedback- regulation in which the response to the stimulus is to lower the reaction ex: breathing rate, blood glucose levels, body temp positive feedback- regulation in which response to stimulus is to increase the reaction, rare in the body ex: blood clotting, childbirth

13 Internal environment (ie. body temp, pH, glucose level)
External environment (ie. weather, fluid surrounding cells) Regulatory mechanisms control homeostasis Feedback control loop: positive or negative Ex: blood CO2 level, temp, heart rate, sleep cycle, thirst 4 basic components to every loop: 1. stimulus 2. sensor mechanism 3. control center 4. effector mechanism Afferent vs. Efferent Afferent – signal travels toward reference point Efferent – signal travels away from reference point

14 Positive Feedback Stimulatory Amplifies/reinforces change which can be harmful and disastrous Cause instability and disrupt homeostasis (continuous temp increase) ex: sneezing, immune response to infection Negative Feedback Inhibitor Oppose change by creating response opposite in direction of initial disturbance  change – temperature drop  response – heat production  initial disturbance – temp falls below normal set point ex: goosebumps, sweating

15 Proximal- towards center
Language of Anatomy Directional terms: Proximal- towards center Distal- away from center Medial- toward midline of body Lateral- away from midline of body Anatomical Position:

16 Regional terms: Anterior Landmarks

17 Regional terms: Posterior Landmarks

18 Body Planes:

19 Body Cavities

20 Abdominopelvic Cavity: - broken in 4 quadrants and 9 regions



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