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The War.

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1 The War

2 II. WWI officially begins August 3rd, 1914.
A. Germany is the aggressor Goal is to colonize parts of Europe They tried elsewhere (globally) and failed

3 B. Germany’s strategy—the Schlieffen Plan
Step #1 = Hold off Russia Step #2 = Quickly Defeat France This involved taking over Belgium too Step #3 = Focus all attention on Russia

4 Mobilization Home by Christmas! No major war in 50 years!
It's a long way to Tipperary, It's a long way to go; To the sweetest girl I know! Goodbye, Piccadilly, Farewell, Leicester Square, It's a long, long way to Tipperary, But my heart's right there!

5 The Schlieffen Plan

6 C. Why didn’t the Plan work?
Reason #1 = France was tougher to defeat than Germany thought. Reason #2 = Germany didn’t count on Britain or the U.S. getting involved.

7 III. Why did the British get involved?
A. England had an alliance with Belgium They honored their agreement B. England was afraid it would lose its status as THE GLOBAL SUPERPOWER if it didn’t get involved

8 German Atrocities in Belgium

9 Australian Poster

10 American Poster

11 Financing the War

12 Recruitment Posters

13 For Recruitment

14 New French Recruits

15 A Young Australian Recruit

16 Recruits of the Central Powers
A German Soldier Says Farewell to His Mother Austro-Hungarians

17 A German Boy Pretends to Be a Soldier


19 V. Why did the U.S. get involved?
1. In 1915, Germany sunk the Lusitania It was a passenger ship, not a warship 1200 people died including over 100 Americans 2. In 1916, Germany fired upon the Sussex another passenger ship. Wilson demands that Germany not fire on any more passenger ships Germany agrees (the Sussex Pledge) then breaks 3. Zimmerman Note 4. Russian Revolution—1917—Democracy!

20 The Zimmerman Telegram

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