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Benefits of Physical Activity
Questions to ask class when the title page opens up. Start a discussion about physical activity: What are the benefits of physical activity? How many can you come up with? What do you think about when you play sport or do some exercise? Do you think that you are making your body stronger or healthier or do you just participate because you are having fun? Year 5/6 Jenni Allen
Physical activity makes your brain work better
Mental health benefits include: - improving your concentration - improving your memory Explain to students how physical activity can improve all of these functions in relation to the brain. - improving your behaviour - improving your academic performance - improving your ability to manage stress and anxiety
Physical activity keeps you fit
Physical activity will help you to: - develop motor skills - improve skill development - understand movement competence This page will inform students about how physical activity is important to keep fit, become attuned to their bodies (when they are feeling well and unwell), and realise their potential in skill development and movement competence. We will discuss how movement competence will help in daily life with walking, running, and everyday tasks such as, showering or making the bed. How movement competence will help improve efficiency and motivation to do activities, because they are more efficient. Knowledge of the body is important to everyday living. - better understand your body
Physical activity improves your social outcomes
Being physically active will improve your: - self esteem - positive attudes - self confidence - friendships Explain the slide to the kids and ask them what do each of the points mean. Discuss the points with the class and see if there are others to add to the list. Self esteem What do I mean by this. Improvement in self confidence. What does this mean? ETC. Physical education empowers students to develop positive attitudes towards physical and lifelong habits of participation. social behaviours
Physical activity helps you to live longer
Physical activity will help you achieve: - better quality of life - better health - less illness - a lower the risk of osteoporosis • make students aware that everyone has the ability to participate in a healthy and active lifestyle. Discuss how being active requires being healthy and staying healthy. Discuss how physcial activity is not just a once off and should be maintained throughout your life. Examples of people who have lived long healthy lives because they are active both physically and mentally. My examples will include: Tom Hafey (AFL) and My mum (70 y.o.) only takes one tablet (when lots of people her age are dependant on many different chemical drugs to get them by), and goes to the gym. She also stays active mentally by attending meetings through her church, babysitting grandchildren and volunteering.
Physical activity provides a healthier body
Physical activity helps to prevent: - diabetes - heart disease - high blood pressure - obesity Being physically active allows your body to fight off disease that can be debilitating and even life threatening. What diseases can you think of that you might be able to prevent with a healthy physical and eating routine. What types of benefits for your body are there? Physical activity helps to improve: - skeletal development; which means strong bones - Oxygenation and movement of blood around your body
YOU NEED A BALANCE OF GOOD NUTRITION AND PHYSICAL ACTIVITY TO HAVE A HEALTHY LIFESTYLE AND MAINTAIN PHYSICAL FITNESS. SO GET OUT THERE AND HAVE A GO!! Better Health Web Site Discuss ways in which to increase your physical activity. How many minutes per day etc. Hyperlink to documents provided by govt. institiutions to recommend daily activities and discuss some healthy food choices. Physical Activity Guidelines 5-12
Reflection I enjoyed making this presentation and can visualise using it in a classroom of Years 5 & 6. I envisage it being used to prompt discussion into the main topics raised in each slide. I included the animations to keep the presentation up beat and fun for the kids, primarily to keep them interested and focused on the next discussion point. I used a fairly mute colour in the green to allow children to focus on the words. I tried to keep the words to a minimum to allow the students to further discuss what the slide was presenting and to discover more information through discussion. I would use this presentation as a lead in to further discussion in other sessions about the promotion of healthy eating issues which go hand in hand with physical activitiy and healthy bodies. I think that the presentation is appropriate for the ages it is designed for. It is not too in depth, but enough for the students to understand and think and reflect about the topic of physical activity.
VELS Progression Points & Learning Focus
Progression Point 3.5 students demonstrate: Movement and physical activity -regular participation in moderate to vigorous physical activity, and awareness, in the context of a specific sport, of components of health-related fitness such as flexibility in gymnastics. Health knowledge and promotion -identification of factors which affect physical, social and emotional health, both positively and negatively. Learning focus - Level 4 Students consider what it means to be physically, socially and emotionally healthy. They explore their own and others’ views about health and suggest what it might mean for certain groups of people; for example, the elderly, people with a disability or those from another culture. Students consider factors that affect their own and others’ ability to access and effectively use health information, products and services. They discuss and develop strategies for improving their personal health.
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