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Drugs in Sport.

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1 Drugs in Sport


3 Title: Drugs in Sport Lesson Objectives - List why drugs are used in sport - Describe the effects that drugs can have on the body - Explain the reasons why people start using drugs - List examples of drugs used in sport - Describe the effects that drugs can have on the body - Explain the reasons why people start using drugs

4 TASK What is a drug? A substance that can be taken in a variety of ways to produce physical and/or psychological effects on the person taking it

5 Performance Enhancing Drugs
Doping Many are banned Unfair advantage Illegal and often harmful This is known as doping Many performance-enhancing drugs are banned by sports’ governing bodies These are taken to gain an unfair advantage It is illegal and often harmful

6 Suggest why you think sports players sometimes take drugs
TASK Suggest why you think sports players sometimes take drugs Physiological reasons Build muscles Increase energy Lose weight Reduce tiredness (painkillers – mask athletes pain) (anabolic steroids – growth of muscle) (sedatives – steady hands and good aim) Social reasons Pressure to win Earn money Fear of losing (nicotine – smoking) (alcohol – drinking) (caffeine – too much coffee) (cannabis – reduces concentration)

7 Suggest why you think athletes shouldn’t take drugs in sport
TASK Suggest why you think athletes shouldn’t take drugs in sport Unfair advantage Reflects bad on sport Addiction Lower life expectancy Organ disease Legal reasons Being a bad role model

8 In your books, write what you think social drugs are (with examples)
TASK In your books, write what you think social drugs are (with examples) - Usually taken to help people relax, or on occasion to give a feeling of having more energy Some are banned in many sports and are also illegal Nicotine Alcohol Cannabis Caffeine

9 TASK Smoking damages the H__RT and _XYG_N capability of the blood. Both alcohol and caffeine cause extra urine – this adds to the risks of D_HYDR_T__N.


11 EXIT TICKET 4 5 6 List why drugs are used in sport
Describe the effects that drugs can have on the body 6 Explain the reasons why people start using drugs

12 Hand in next lesson for an extra House Point
HOMEWORK CHALLENGE Hand in next lesson for an extra House Point

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