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This is … Jeopardy Theme: The Middle Ages Play with a partner!

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1 This is … Jeopardy Theme: The Middle Ages Play with a partner!
Keep track of your scores Click on this button to view the directions! Directions

2 Maneuvering Through Jeopardy: The Middle Ages!
As you play the game, click on the question button to learn more about the answer to the question….or is it the question to the answer??? Click on the Jeopardy picture button to return to the question board. Click on an illustration to find the answer to the question….or is it the question to the answer??? Click here to begin the game! Begin The Game!

3 Religions Castle IQ It’s About Time! Suits Me! People of The Middle Ages 100 100 100 100 100 200 200 200 200 200 300 300 300 300 300 400 400 400 400 400 500 500 500 500 500

4 The followers of this religion believe in God
Religions for 100 The followers of this religion believe in God

5 Answer to Religions for 100
Who are the Christians?

6 This Religion calls God, Allah.
Religions for 200 This Religion calls God, Allah.

7 Answer to Religions for 200
What is Islam?

8 The places of worship for this religion are called Synagogues.
Religions for 300 The places of worship for this religion are called Synagogues.

9 Answer to Religions for 300
What is Judaism?

10 The people who accept this faith are called Muslims.
Religions for 400 The people who accept this faith are called Muslims.

11 Answer to Religions for 400
What is Islam?

12 Moses accepted the Ten Commandments for this religion.
Religions for 500 Moses accepted the Ten Commandments for this religion.

13 Answer to Religions for 500
What is Christianity?

14 Castle I.Q. for 100 In French, this structure was known as the donjon. It was the strongest and most heavily fortified part of the castle as it was designed to be the last line of defense.

15 Answer to Castle I.Q. for 100 What is the Keep?

16 Castle I.Q. for 200 A bridge which could be raised or lowered. It was usually located over a moat.

17 Answer to Castle I.Q. for 200 What is a Drawbridge?

18 Castle I.Q. for 300 The main gate to the castle. It was made of very heavy wood and was reinforced with iron grating.

19 What was the Portcullis?
Answer to Castle I.Q. for 300 What was the Portcullis?

20 Castle I.Q. for 400 Machicolations were the reason these were built. These low walls around the top edge of a tower or castle wall were perfect for dropping all kinds of things, such as boiling oil, hot water, or stones on any intruder.

21 Answer to Castle I.Q. for 400 What were Parapets?

22 Castle I.Q. for 500 These were the living quarters over the main gate of the castle. As time went on it became heavily fortified and very important. Sometimes the owner of the castle chose to live in them.

23 Answer to Castle I.Q. for 500 What were Gatehouses?

24 It’s About Time for 100 In 800 A.D. he was crowned ruler of the Holy Roman Empire. This act symbolized a union of the church and state.

25 Answer to It’s About Time for 100
Who was Charlemagne

26 It’s About Time for 200 These took place in the year 1096, 1147, 1189, and Armies of Christians from all over Europe hoped to reclaim the Holy Land that was captured by the Turks.

27 Answer to It’s About Time for 200
What were the Crusades?

28 It’s About Time for 300 In the year 1215, King John of England was forced to sign this famous document. It gave some basic rights to the people and also said that the king was not above the law.

29 Answer to It’s About Time for 300
What was The Magna Carta?

30 It’s About Time for 400 In the year 1066, He invaded and conquered England. He defeated King Harold who was killed at the Battle of Hastings. He brought feudalism and culture from France to England.

31 Answer to It’s About Time for 400
Who was William the Conqueror?

32 It’s About Time for 500 In 1348, this terrible plague swept England and Europe. It was estimated that one out of every five people in England died. Spread by rat fleas, the disease is characterized by the victim turning dark purple in his last hours of life due to respiratory failure, hence its name.

33 Answer to It’s About Time for 500
What was the Black Plague? (or the Bubonic Plague)

34 The headpiece or head covering in a suit of armor.
Suits Me for 100 The headpiece or head covering in a suit of armor.

35 Answer to Suits Me for 100 What is a Helmet?

36 Suits Me for 200 These were worn by knights to protect their hands. This word comes from the Old French word “gant” which means glove.

37 Answer to Suits Me for 200 What is a Gauntlet?

38 Suits Me for 300 This word is taken from the Latin word “coxa”, meaning hip. It is the piece of armor that covers the thigh.

39 Answer to Suits Me for 300 What is a Cuisse (kwis).

40 Suits Me for 400 Taken from the Latin word “maculata, which means spotty, mesh, or net. It refers to a coat made of metal rings or links which was worn under the armor.

41 Answer to Suits Me for 400 What is a Coat of Mail.

42 Suits Me for 500 Taken from the French word “sabot”, a wooden shoe. It is the part of a suit of armor that covers the foot.

43 What is a Sabaton. (sab-a-ton)
Answer to Suits Me for 500 What is a Sabaton. (sab-a-ton)

44 People of the Middle Ages for 100
He decided to form a group of “superknights” who would embody the essence of the code of chivalry. He called the best knights from Europe to his favorite English castle at Camelot.

45 Answer to People of the Middle Ages for 100
Who was King Arthur?

46 People of the Middle Ages for 200
One of England’s fiercest warrior kings. His father was King Henry II, and his mother was Eleanor of Aquitaine. He was killed in 1199 during a siege of a French castle, and his brother, John, became the new king.

47 Answer to People of the Middle Ages for 200
Who was Richard, the Lionhearted?

48 People of the Middle Ages for 300
Born in 1167, he lived in the shadow of his brother Richard the Lionhearted. Being the youngest son of Henry II and Eleanor of Aquitaine was not easy. He grew up to be the worst king England had ever seen!

49 Answer to People of the Middle Ages for 300
Who was King John?

50 People of the Middle Ages for 400
When she was thirteen years old, she began to see religious visions and hear the voices of saints. She was burned at the stake for witchcraft on May 30, 1431, when she was only nineteen years old. The Catholic Church declared her innocent and made her a saint on May 20, 1920.

51 Answer to People of the Middle Ages for 400
Who was Joan of Arc?

52 People of the Middle Ages for 500
One of the greatest queens England has ever known. She was born on an estate near London on September 7, She was the daughter of King Henry VIII and his second wife, Anne Boleyn.

53 Answer to People of the Middle Ages for 500
Who was Elizabeth I?

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