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Chapter 2 Review Questions

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1 Chapter 2 Review Questions

2 The government set up by the Articles of Confederation had
Only an executive branch. No legislative branch. Only a legislative and an executive branch. Only a legislative branch. Only a judicial branch. D

3 The idea that there must be restrictions placed on government to protect the natural rights of citizens rules is known as A) American republicanism. B) the consent of the governed. C) a confederation. D) limited government. E) natural law. D

4 The sole purpose of government, according to John Locke, was to
A) educate the people. B) prevent anarchy. C) protect natural rights. D) promote the common good. E) protect individuals from violence. A

5 Which of the following statements best describes the government under the Articles of Confederation?
The Confederation government established guidelines for settling new territories and admitting new states Because of the colonists’ experiences with Great Britain, the Articles of Confederation had been written so that real power remained with the national government States could not make treaties without Congress’s approval, nor could the states pass laws that conflicted with treaties made by the central government Because of sectional interests, the central government could not agree on whether or not to set customs duties or how high the tariff should be The Confederation government was hampered in its ability to levy taxes D

6 Which of the following was NOT among Anti-Federalist objections to the proposed constitution?
It would erode fundamental liberties including freedom of the press. B) It promised to create a government run largely by wealthy elites. C) It weakened the power of the states. D) It was far too decentralized and fragmented. E) It did not include a bill of rights. D

7 The proposal introduced to the Constitutional Convention that called for equal representation of each state in Congress regardless of population was the A) New Jersey Plan B) Virginia Plan C) Pennsylvania Plan D) Rhode Island Plan E) Delaware Plan C

8 The Federalist Papers were
the notes that George Washington took at the Constitutional Convention. B) the original name of the constitution written by the Constitutional Convention. C) essays written that were critical of the constitution. D) newspapers which backed the Federalist party in early United States elections. E) essays in support of ratification of the constitution. B

9 Which of the following element of government did the Constitution place within direct control of the votes of the majority? A) The House of Representatives B) The U.S. Senate C) The presidency D) The judiciary E) None of the above D

10 The feature of the Constitution that requires each of the three branches of government to be relatively independent of control over the others and that requires each branch to share powers with at least one of the other branches is the doctrine of A) life, liberty, and property. B) representation. C) federalism. D) limited government. E) separation of powers. D

11 The Supreme Court in Marbury v
The Supreme Court in Marbury v. Madison (1803) asserted the power of the Court to A) confirm presidential appointments. B) impeach the president. C) nullify constitutional amendments. D) determine its own size and makeup. E) check the actions of the other branches through judicial review. A

12 Reflecting Lockean natural rights philosophy, the Declaration of Independence declared that governments derive their just powers from A) a Constitution. B) tradition. C) the consent of the governed. D) God. E) elected leaders. D

13 The Madisonian requirement that each branch of government acquire the consent of the others for many of its actions created a system of A) checks and balances. B) confederated government. C) separation of powers. D) constitutional republic. E) cross-cutting requirements. B

14 The president's veto power is an example of
A) presidential supremacy B) checks and balances. C) judicial restraint. D) majority rule. E) judicial review D

15 Which state boycotted the Constitutional Convention?
A) Rhode Island B) New York C) New Jersey D) Connecticut E) No state boycotted D

16 The power of the courts to determine whether acts of Congress and the executive are in accord with the Constitution is the power of   A) litigation. B) certiorari. C) judicial review. D) habeas corpus. E) veto. D

17 Most of the men who were delegates to the Philadelphia Convention were farmers and had little practical political experience. True False

18 A primary problem with the Articles of Confederation is that it placed too much power in the national legislature and not enough power in the states. True False

19 The Bill of Rights was adopted to allay fears that the new government failed to protect individual rights. True False A

20 The Connecticut Compromise gives more power to people who live in heavily populated states.
True False B

21 The U.S. Constitution created a direct democracy.
True False B

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