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Informed Citizenry By: Lyric Lewis.

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1 Informed Citizenry By: Lyric Lewis

2 The 13 Colonies. 1 Massachusetts 2 New York 3 Rhode Island 4 Virginia
5 Delaware 6 North Carolina 7 New Jersey 8 South Carolina 9 Georgia 10 New Hampshire 11 Connecticut 12 Pennsylvania 13 Maryland Reasons People came to the 13 colonies: - Religious Freedom - Economic Opportunity

3 Types of Government. Anarchy- NO government.
Autocracy- ruled by ONE person. Dictator- complete political control. Totalitarian- TOTAL control. Monarchy- ruled by a king or queen. Theocracy- ruled by religious leaders. Oligarchy- ruled by few. Democracy- ruled by the people. Aristocracy- ruled by upper class.

4 Judicial Branch. Jurisdiction- right to hear and decide a case.
Original jurisdiction- right to hear and decide a case 1st. Appellate jurisdiction- right to hear and decide a case on appeal. Marbury vs. Madison- *created judicial review*

5 The Fed’s vs. The Anti-fed’s
Federalist’s: For the constitution Strong federal Gov. Weak state Gov. Antifederalist’s: Against constitution Weak federal Gov. Strong state Gov. bill of rights *protects people from Federal abuse.*

6 3 Branches of Government.
Legislative branch- makes state laws Executive Branch- carry out laws Judicial Branch- judges and interprets constitution.

7 General Assembly. House of Rep. -120 - 2 year term Qualifications:
21 years old. Citizen/ Voter live in district Senate -50 senators 2 year term -Qualifications: 25 years old live in district for 2 years. Citizen for 2 years.

8 Powers. Presidential powers- commander in chief. *final decisions in military matters. Judicial powers -pardons: a legal forgiveness of a crime. -amnesty: pardon a group -reprieves: delaying punishment -commutations: lessening someone's punishment Appointing powers -all federal judges -important executives jobs -approved by senate Diplomatic powers-establishing relations w/foreign nations *treaties* Legislative powers- veto.

9 27 Amendments. 13th: ended slavery
14th: equal protection under the law 15th: black people have the right to vote 16th: congress can tax your income 17th: directly elect senators 18th: prohibits alcohol 21st: repeals the 18th amendment 19th: gave women the right to vote 22nd: limited president to 2 terms 23rd: gave DC. 3 electoral votes 24th: no poll tax 25th: established presidential succession 26th: must be 18 years old to vote

10 Impeachment Process. Impeachment process:
The house brings the charges. (impeached) Senate convicts the impeachment 2/3 must agree or nothing happens. Law that declares an individual guilty (bill of attainder).  Laws that punish behavior committed before the law was passed. (ex post facto law) *impeachment- perfect example of checks and balances.

11 6 steps to how a bill becomes a law.
Introduced by congress person. Committee review. -(filter bad bills from good bills) -(most bills die in committee) 3. Floor debate -house rules committee. -house sets limits on debate. -senate: unlimited time for debate. -filibuster: a senator continuously talks to delay a vote. -cloture: 3/5 vote to end a filibuster. 4. Vote 5. Conference committee -makes house and senate bill the same. 6. President acts: 1. sign 2. veto (cancel a bill)  override with 2/3 vote of congress. 3. ignore for up to 10 days  bill is passed. 4. pocket veto- bill is cancelled because congress stops meeting.

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