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Questions What is the responsibility of the U.S. and Mexico with regards to the migrants trying to enter the U.S. ? In other words… what should be done.

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Presentation on theme: "Questions What is the responsibility of the U.S. and Mexico with regards to the migrants trying to enter the U.S. ? In other words… what should be done."— Presentation transcript:

1 Questions What is the responsibility of the U.S. and Mexico with regards to the migrants trying to enter the U.S. ? In other words… what should be done by each government? Explain your answer.

2 Unit 3 Chapter 7: How American Citizens Influence the Government
Do lobbyists and interest groups have more influence on government policy than voters?

3 Aspects of Public Opinion
Shifting public interests 1960s – nuclear war, crime 1980s – war on drugs, budget deficit 2000s – terrorism Lack of consensus American often disagree Time lag Even when citizens agree on issue, takes time to change Why is it so difficult to achieve a consensus on political, social, and economic issues? Attitudes of citizens toward issues relating to the government

4 Measures of Public Opinion
Straw polls not always reliable as only small percent Scientific sampling (cross sample) use census data to get more accurate sample Improved poll-taking techniques phone polls, online….. Still can be wrong

5 Forces that Influence Public Opinion
Personal opinions, experiences, information people receive can change over time. Propaganda – information designed to shape public opinion. Mass media – newspapers, magazines, radio, television, internet.. Advertising – for or against issues, people, ballot measures.

6 Forces that Influence Public Opinion
Government – elected officials try to persuade public opinion. Economic forces – economic health is always on mind of citizens. Cultural influences – people think diffidently based on communities in which they live.

7 The Role of Interest Groups
Interest group/special interest group = organized group of individuals who seek to influence government decision making on a given issue. Government – elected officials try to persuade public opinion What are some reasons for the growth of special interest groups? Free speech and assembly – free to form group Responsive political system - politicians support groups Power in numbers – more accomplished in numbers

8 Methods used by Interest Groups
Lobbying Electioneering – Political Action Committees Litigation Grassroots action Lobbyist – person that works to influence legislators PACs and SuperPACs Lawsuits against a group they oppose Telephone calls, s, letters

9 Effects of Interest Groups
What possible problems could special interest groups have on the democratic process? Limits on lobbying Success of interest groups What can you do to influence elected officials? Success – win benefits for members, information, research, guidance

10 The Initiative Process
7 step initiative process Draft the proposal Preliminary filing Circulation of petitions Verification of signatures Educating the public Decision by the voters Promulgation of the new law Promulgate – proclamation that gives the measure the force of law in the place where the election took place

11 Referendum Process of voter approval or rejection of legislation.
3 types of referendums Mandatory Optional Petition or protest Mandatory – amendments to state constitutions, bonds Optional – controversial Petition – even if law passed legislature, still mat have to have voters approve or disapprove

12 How Voters Fire Elected Officials
Officials who have lost the confidence of voters can be fired through a recall election.

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