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Presentation on theme: "Camouflage."— Presentation transcript:

1 Camouflage

2 Learning Objectives Describe the different types of camouflage that help organisms to survive and reproduce

3 Camouflage Camouflage is a trait that makes it hard to see an organism in its natural habitat.

4 Concealing Coloration
The organism has the same color as the background in the environment.

5 Disruptive Coloration
The organism has a pattern like stripes or spots that help break up its body outline.

6 Disguises The organism looks like something in its environment.

7 Counter Shading The organism has a dark upper body and a light underside. Blends in when viewed from above or below.

8 Mimicry The organism mimics or copies a trait in another organism.

9 Stop Here

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