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Welcome to Phillis Wheatley 6th Grade Families

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to Phillis Wheatley 6th Grade Families"— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to Phillis Wheatley 6th Grade Families

2 Introduction of Administration
Welcome! Mr. Pickering Ms. Perez Ms. Tunson

3 Who was Phillis Wheatley?
A slave who was brought from West Africa in 1760 at the age of 8. She learned to read and write while a slave for the Wheatley family of Boston. She became well known for her poetry and was the first published African American author. CT

4 Ánimo Phillis Wheatley (APW)

5 Henry Clay Learning Complex
HCLC Community Henry Clay Learning Complex We can either cold-call or share out from 5-6 volunteers and script what they share. We can use this as the platform for a common vision– most of the responses will be very similar. NP

6 Introduction of Teachers

7 Introduction of Counselors
Ms. Gutierrez Mr. Paz WP

8 Roles & Responsibilities
Principal Questions/concerns with teachers/staff Community questions/concerns Special Education questions/concerns Severe/repeated discipline issues Asst. Principals Serious discipline issues Detention/Saturday school participation Questions/concerns about substance abuse Counselors Changes in student mood/behavior Referrals to counseling on and off campus Academic questions/concerns Minor discipline issues WP

9 First Day of School Students will enter on the corner of 122nd and Western. Lists will be posted with the students’ period 1 classes. Students will receive their schedule in period 1. If you attended Summer Bridge, you will be able to pick up your schedule from the counselors. CT

10 Student Drop Off Students enter campus on the corner of Western and 122nd. Parents should drop students off on the South side of 122nd Ave. Students must always use cross walks when traveling to school. CT

Please arrive at 8 am on Monday to take your Reading Test Math Test Students will be done with tests and be ready for pick up at 10 am. CT

12 Welcome to Ánimo Phillis Wheatley 6th Grade Students and Parents

13 Merit/Demerit System MERITS DEMERITS
When students help others and the school, they receive merits. After 6 merits, the student can turn it in for an incentive on Friday at lunch. When students break minor rules, they receive demerits. After 6 demerits, the student is assigned a one hour detention WP

Dark Green “Polo style” shirt with collar, short sleeves, and no words or pictures of any kind! Only black or white shirt may be worn beneath uniform shirt. Figure-hugging, cleavage-revealing and midriff-exposing shirts are not in the spirit of our dress code. Shirts must be waist or hip length and tucked in at all times, when on campus. NP

Khaki (tan) pants - must be worn at the waist, or khaki (tan) skirts/ shorts that are three inches above the knee length or longer. Belts must be black, standard width and worn properly at waist level. Belts and belt buckles may not have logos, studs, chains or initials. NP

If necessary, wear appropriately sized black sweater/ sweatshirt without lettering or symbols or a school sweatshirt. Wear plain black OR white shoes with black OR white laces. Do NOT wear jewelry bearing any initials or words. Do NOT wear hats, caps, or rags.

17 Electronic Devices Cell phones, music players, cameras and video game systems must be off and out of sight when on campus. Staff members will confiscate electronics that are visible on campus 1st offense-Student signs a contract and get the item at the end of the day. 2nd offense-Parent must pick up the item. 3rd offense- Parent conference with an administrator. WP

18 Materials Students are required to bring the following to school each day: 2” Binder with 6 dividers 100 sheets of binder paper 2 pens (black or blue) 2 pencils Supply packs are on sale for $10 at the entrance at the end of this meeting. Supplies will be on sale in the office during the year as well. WP

19 Parent Hours Please continue to attend meetings
95%+ student attendance per semester= 5 hours 98%+ student attendance per semester= 10 hours GPA 3.0 = 5 hours GPA = 10 hours Classroom Observations (30 min in class) = 2 hours Donations with receipt(please refer to donation list. CT

20 Parent Letter A letter from the principal is sent home on the last Thursday of the month. Please make sure your child brings it home and you read it carefully. Sign the bottom tear off and have your student return it to their Advisory Teacher for Parent Hours. CT

21 Parent meetings The administration meets with parents the first Wednesday (5pm) and the first Friday of each month (9am). Parents should attend one of these meetings each month (2 parent hours). The first meetings of the year are Wednesday Sept. 4th (5pm) and Friday Sept. 6th (9am) CT

22 ARC Mr. Cortez, Coordinator Applications available after presentation

23 Completing a full application tonight
Lunch Applications Completing a full application tonight $5.00 Voucher to be applied toward PURCHASE OF A NEW POLO OR SWEATHSHIRT OR PURCHASE OF SCHOOL SUPPLY PACK 2 hours Credit for Parent Hours *Vouchers are only valid until the Monday August 12th * CT

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