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Targeting a Market Who do we sell it to???.

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Presentation on theme: "Targeting a Market Who do we sell it to???."— Presentation transcript:

1 Targeting a Market Who do we sell it to???

2 Learning Goals To explain the importance of understanding your target market. To identify typical market segments. To explain why and how research happens.

3 Target Market When starting the marketing process, first you have to know who you’re selling to! The Target Market is the group of consumers you plan to sell to Since there are thousands of different consumers out there, target markets are usually broken into groups called segments

4 Typical Segments Geography – Where are the buyers physically located
Psychographics – What are the lifestyles, beliefs, and habits of buyers Socio-Economic – what occupation or social “class” are the buyers Demographics – Measurable statistics such as age, sex, income, marital status

5 Understanding Your Market
To effectively reach the target market, marketers have to figure out: What they want How much they’ll spend Where they are What’s important to them Understanding Buying Motives (the reasons consumers decide to purchase things) will also be helpful

6 Market Research Getting to know your target market takes some work…
Market Research helps give marketers the details about consumers they need to effectively reach them Common market research tools include: Surveys Focus Groups Observations Experiments

7 Typical Research Model
Surveys Questionnaires Focus Groups Test Market Launch

8 Why Research??? Effective market research provides a way to learn about your target market BEFORE you spend the money on marketing Prevents your product from being a “famous failure”

9 Applying Research Knowing your target market will help you decide:
Where to advertise What appeals to use in your advertisements Important product features Where to sell your product How much to charge

10 Use It!!! Using what you now know about target markets (the four segments,) see if you can figure out or predict the target market for each product you’re about to see

11 Geographic, Psychographic, Socioeconomic, Demographic
Who are they selling to? Geographic, Psychographic, Socioeconomic, Demographic

12 Who are they selling to?

13 Who are they selling to? Geographic: Urban/Suburban
Pyschographic: Sophisticated, active, well-travelled Socio-economic: Professional/white collar, upper class Demographic: Males & Females, married and single 25 – 45, HH income level $150K+

14 Who are they selling to?

15 Who are they selling to? Geographic: Urban/Suburban
Pyschographic: Athletic, unpretentious, average Socio-economic: Blue collar, lower to middle class Demographic: Males & Females, single 15 – 29, HH income $35K to $55K.

16 Who are they selling to?

17 Who are they selling to? Geographic: Suburban
Pyschographic: Active, health-conscious Socio-economic: Middle to upper class Demographic: Females, M/S, 25 – 55, HH income $85K+

18 Who are they selling to?

19 Who are they selling to? Geographic: Suburban/Urban
Pyschographic: Active Socio-economic: Lower to middle class Demographic: M/F

20 Who are they selling to?

21 Who are they selling to? Geographic: Suburban/Urban
Pyschographic: Active, gamers, athletic Socio-economic: Middle to upper class Demographic: Males, unmarried,

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