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Richard Feynman By: Seamus McGarvey, Bill Salinggih, Ciara Church, Ian Courtney, and Ryan Cormack.

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Presentation on theme: "Richard Feynman By: Seamus McGarvey, Bill Salinggih, Ciara Church, Ian Courtney, and Ryan Cormack."— Presentation transcript:

1 Richard Feynman By: Seamus McGarvey, Bill Salinggih, Ciara Church, Ian Courtney, and Ryan Cormack.

2 Early Life Feynman was born on May 11, 1918 in Far Rockaway, Queens in New York. His family was originally from Poland and Russia. His parents were Jewish but religion wasn’t a big part of his early life He didn’t start talking until he was 3 His younger sister would also become a physicist

3 Education Took every Physics course offered
Went on to Princeton University, got a perfect score in Math and in Physics, he did poorly in History and English Studied at MIT, and Princeton where he got his PHD in 1942 Denied by Columbia University, than attended MIT Attended Rockaway High School Got his Bachelor's in 1939 Taught/made up his own math problems

4 Personal Life He was Atheist
Every time he needed a document from other scientist he would sneak in and pick the locks than leave a note that said the Russians were here He was an incredible prankster He was from a Jewish Decent His father encouraged him to ask questions and challenge the orthodox thinking

5 His Wives His first wife, Arline Greenbaum, died of tuberculosis in 1945 His secound wife, Mary Louise Bell, didn’t work out well. They ended up only being together for 2 years. His third and final wife, Gueneth Howarth, ended up having a son and a adopted daughter together

6 The Manhattan Project Feynman was a large part of the creation of the atom bomb Robert R. Wilson persuaded Feynman to help develop the Atomic Bomb His reasoning to help work on the Manhattan Project was that the enemies, Nazi Germany, would develop it first Felt anxious after the creation of the atomic bomb because he feared of it being used again

7 Acccomplishments Feynman taught for many years a teacher at CalTech
Quantum Electrodynamics, his theory of super fluidity of liquid helium and a model of weak decay. He and Hans Bethe developed Bethe-Feynman formula for calculating the field of a fission bomb His thesis included the principle of stationary action

8 Death He died of two rare types of cancer
Some of his last words were, “I’d hate to die twice, it’s so boring.

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