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Emergency Preparedness

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1 Emergency Preparedness
Essentials of sports medicine Tim Amshoff LAT Moore Traditional School

2 understanding Be sure to review the objectives of the chapter, this will prepare for knowledge based tests later We will attempt to have several guests on this topic. Be prepared to learn new skills and skills you can use regardless if you go into a healthcare career. Recognize and spell terms correctly. Terms you know And new ones too!

3 Pg 64 TERMS In the glossary of your binder, write out the meaning (definition) of these terms: range of motion, emergency action plan, cyanosis, HOPS, mechanism of injury, primary survey, secondary survey and orientation.

4 Page 64 Read the scenario in the green text box in middle of page.
On a separate sheet of paper, provide a a statement that will include the emergency care you will provide. (Project)

BE prepared to answer a few questions on this section. B. now read PLAN FOR EMERGENCY ACTION Continue the section until it ends on page 68

6 EAP Quite simply put, an EAP should be in 4 parts.
Later in this chapter you will be asked to complete an EAP for a team/facility here at Moore. Use the info. You read in this section to help you. 4 parts of EAP include, but not at all limited to: PLAN ACCESS CARE FOLLOW-UP

7 Are non-athletic trainers ready?
Emergency care procedures for the student are to be in the daily planning routine for all staff. However, not only one person should know this plan or have access to this plan. All coaches, student captains, or those working the event should have access to such a plan. The four steps will help you design a plan for your particular event. A serious injury is one which a student/adult will need advance medical care and there could be little or no time to consult a healthcare provider. Emergency action must be taken immediately. If an athletic trainer or team physician is not available then immediate response by athletic staff is necessary.

8 Gloves are not always worn in all procedures.
Universal precautions require the use of gloves whenever blood or body fluids are present. Because there is a greater chance of exposure to blood in contact sports, gloves are included in all procedures. On the sheet of paper, provide the answer to this statement: what is the objective of glove removal?

9 Primary Survey (page 69) On your paper, describe a primary survey.
Next, a primary survey is as simple as remembering…what? Describe these three steps out as well. How do you access the airway if there is a face-mask?

10 Secondary Survey (pg 73) Compare contrast secondary survey to primary survey

11 Pg 76: look at picture of the quadrants of the body
Become familiar with these quadrants as we will once again identify organs in these quadrants Pg. 76 Pupils (draw out the four pairs from the book) Pg 80 Answer questions 7-10 Pg 73 read and answer the Thinking It Through.

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