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Raisin in the Sun: “Eat ‘yo eggs!”

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Presentation on theme: "Raisin in the Sun: “Eat ‘yo eggs!”"— Presentation transcript:

1 Raisin in the Sun: “Eat ‘yo eggs!”

2 Female author! Written by Lorraine Hansberry Based on her own life
In 1938, her father bought a home in an all-white Chicago neighborhood

3 Brave (or foolish?) father
Hansberry’s father fought all the way to the Supreme Court Won the right to live in the neighborhood Hansberry v Lee

4 Famous first This is the first Broadway play written by an African American woman Show opened in 1958

5 New perspective Prior to Raisin, African Americans were shown only in small or comedic roles Examples- minstrel shows, Gone With the Wind

6 Not the Cosby Show! Raisin is realistic Unflattering
Deals with harsh issues-abortion, prejudice Uses “vernacular”- language that imitates real speech

7 American Dream? Describes the plight of northern blacks only a few generations away from slavery “Great Migration”- blacks came north to find the American Dream

8 Suburbs are born “White Flight”—
As blacks entered northern cities, whites fled to the suburbs, leaving impoverished city neighborhoods

9 Family Fight The Dream shifts=
Later generations of blacks came to value money more than freedom, causing family conflict

10 Themes are universal Rebellion against parents Sibling jealousy
Greed for money

11 More Themes Money v. happiness Courage to do the right thing
Prejudice and stereotyping Black pride

12 Symbols ASSIMILATIONISM Beneatha’s clothing-
Represents the struggle between ASSIMILATIONISM and African Pride- a huge issue in the ‘50’s and ‘60’s

13 Symbols, the Sequel Mama’s plant- desire for “a little place”
(never gets enough light or air) “Eat yo’ eggs”- acceptance of your crummy life

14 What happens to a DIDDY IN THE SUN?

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