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Bienvenue / Welcome to 4-5 French Immersion.

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Presentation on theme: "Bienvenue / Welcome to 4-5 French Immersion."— Presentation transcript:

1 Bienvenue / Welcome to 4-5 French Immersion

2 Introductions French Immersion teachers are : Mlle Margo Dallaire, 4D
Mlle Jolene Duplessis, 4-5D Mme Erika Everill, 5E

3 Other teachers are… Gym: Ms. Fraser Music: Mrs. Berry
Art: Mrs. Ward, Ms. Fraser Gym: Ms. Fraser Music: Mrs. Berry English: Mrs. McCarron and Mrs. Sollows

4 Lunch : If the students are ordering from the cafeteria, please have your child’s money and order completed at home. Place order in a sealed baggie. There is no micro-wave available for the students to use. There are a lot of extra-curricular activities offered at lunchtime, before and after school. Ask your child to pay attention to morning announcement for specific information on times and dates. 

5 Behavior Program L.E.A.R.N. (School wide) Look and Listen
Excited and Engaged Accepting of Others Responsible and Respectful Never Give Up Yellow is just a warning Red will result in time spent at the learning lab. Positive reinforcement strategies are also used in the classroom to encourage good behavior.

6 Homework / Agenda The Importance of reading regularly in French (15 minutes every day) Sometimes your child will have projects and oral presentations to finish at home.

7 Curriculum Math : flexible groupings Reading: flexible groupings

8 To contact us... A written note in your child’s agenda is an easy way to reach us. Please remind your child to tell her teacher if there is a note.  By , , (listed on the school’s website)

9 Questions ?

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