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CHAPTER 23 Medicines And Drugs.

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1 CHAPTER 23 Medicines And Drugs

2 CHAPTER 23 LESSON 1 The Role Of Medicines

3 “Drugs that are used to treat or prevent disease or other conditions”
CHAPTER 23 Medicines “Drugs that are used to treat or prevent disease or other conditions”

4 All medicines are drugs, but not all drugs are medicines
CHAPTER 23 Drugs “Substances other than food that change the structure or function of the body or mind” All medicines are drugs, but not all drugs are medicines

5 Categories of Medicines
CHAPTER 23 Categories of Medicines Disease Prevention Pain Reduction Promote Health Fight Illness

6 Disease Prevention Antibiotics Antivirals
CHAPTER 23 Disease Prevention Antibiotics Antivirals

7 Kill harmful bacteria or stop the reproduction of bacteria
CHAPTER 23 Antibiotics Kill harmful bacteria or stop the reproduction of bacteria “Chemical agents that destroy disease-causing microorganisms while leaving the patient unharmed”

8 Antibiotic Resistance
CHAPTER 23 Antibiotic Resistance The bacterial strain changes its genetic structure as a result of overexposure to an antibiotic, making the bacterium “immune.”

9 Antibiotic Resistance
CHAPTER 23 Antibiotic Resistance Bacterium build resistance when: We overuse antibiotics We fail to finish a prescription medication

10 Antiviral CHAPTER 23 Antibiotics have no effect on viruses.
Antiviral meds have been developed to treat viral illnesses. These meds often only suppress the virus, they do not kill it.

11 CHAPTER 23 Vaccines “A preparation introduced into the body to stimulate an immune response” Weakened or dead pathogens that stimulate the body to produce antibodies against pathogens

12 Aspirin, Morphine, Codeine
CHAPTER 23 Pain Reduction “Analgesics” Aspirin, Morphine, Codeine

13 Medicines That Promote Health
CHAPTER 23 Medicines That Promote Health Allergy Medicines Antihistamines reduce sneezing, itchy, watery eyes and runny nose from allergies

14 Medicines That Promote Health
CHAPTER 23 Medicines That Promote Health Body Regulating Medicines Insulin treats diabetes; Inhalers relieve asthma sufferers; Blood pressure medication

15 Medicines That Promote Health
CHAPTER 23 Medicines That Promote Health Anti-Psychotics Medicines Normalize brain chemistry; Mood stabilizers treat mood disorders, depression, schizophrenia

16 Medicines That Promote Health
CHAPTER 23 Medicines That Promote Health Cancer Treatment Medicines Chemotherapy is used to kill fast- growing cancer cells.

17 “Reactions to medicine other than the one intended”
CHAPTER 23 Side Effects “Reactions to medicine other than the one intended” EX. Insomnia, Blindness, Dizziness, Diarrhea, Suicidal Thoughts, Death

18 Addictive Interaction
CHAPTER 23 Addictive Interaction “Medicines work together in a positive way” Anti-inflammatory and muscle relaxant may be prescribed for joint pain

19 Digestion and absorption meds
CHAPTER 23 Synergistic Effect “Interaction of two or more medicines that results in a greater effect than when the medicines are taken alone” Digestion and absorption meds

20 Antagonistic Interaction
CHAPTER 23 Antagonistic Interaction “The effect of one medicine is cancelled or reduced when taken with another medicine” Organ transplant and diabetic; anti-rejection meds interfere

21 Drug Tolerance CHAPTER 23
The body builds a tolerance and requires more of the drug to achieve the same effect.

22 Withdrawing from Drugs
CHAPTER 23 Withdrawing from Drugs The body has become accustomed to living with the drug and now has to learn to live again without it.

23 Withdrawal Symptoms CHAPTER 23 Nervousness Insomnia Headaches Vomiting
Mood Swings

24 CHAPTER 23 Prescription Medicine Available only by means of a doctors written approval and instructions, by a licensed pharmacist

25 CHAPTER 23 Over-the-counter Medicine (OTC) Available without a prescription; safe when used as directed; effective in treating ailment

26 Medication Misuse CHAPTER 23 Self diagnosis with prescribed med
Taking another persons medicine Discontinuing use of medication Mixing medicines Mixing medication and alcohol

27 CHAPTER 23 LESSON 2 Drug Use- High Risk Behavior

28 Drug overuse, illegal drug use, combining drugs and alcohol
CHAPTER 23 Substance Abuse “Any unnecessary or improper use of chemical substances for nonmedical purposes” Drug overuse, illegal drug use, combining drugs and alcohol

29 CHAPTER 23 Illegal Drugs “Chemical substances that people of any age may not lawfully manufacture, possess, buy, or sell” Street drugs

30 People who use illegal drugs; selling prescription drugs on street
CHAPTER 23 Illicit Drug Use “The use or sale of any substance that is illegal or otherwise not permitted” People who use illegal drugs; selling prescription drugs on street

31 Factors Influencing Drug Use
CHAPTER 23 Factors Influencing Drug Use Peer pressure The control and urging of friends or social groups to take a particular action. Choose friends with good morals, ethics, values.

32 Factors Influencing Drug Use
CHAPTER 23 Factors Influencing Drug Use Family members Parents and other adults who avoid drug use and discourage drug experimentation influence teens.

33 Factors Influencing Drug Use
CHAPTER 23 Factors Influencing Drug Use Role models Teens look up to coaches, actors, athletes, and professionals who avoid and discourage drug use.

34 Factors Influencing Drug Use
CHAPTER 23 Factors Influencing Drug Use Media messages Messages from TV, digital media, film, music may be misleading about the harmful effects of drugs.

35 Factors Influencing Drug Use
CHAPTER 23 Factors Influencing Drug Use Perceptions According to the 2009 Youth Risk Survey, nearly 70% of high school students do not use drugs.

36 Health Risks of Drug Use
CHAPTER 23 Health Risks of Drug Use Physical – Alter Brain Chemistry - Ecstacy Destroy Liver - Alcohol

37 Health Risks of Drug Use
CHAPTER 23 Health Risks of Drug Use Mental – Cloud Reasoning – Poor Decisions Social – Crime / Prostitution- Need $

38 CHAPTER 23 Overdose “A strong, sometimes fatal reaction to taking a large amount of a drug”

39 Psychological dependence Physiological dependence
CHAPTER 23 The Addiction Cycle Tolerance Psychological dependence Physiological dependence Addiction

40 The Addiction Cycle CHAPTER 23 Tolerance
The body of the abuser needs more to get the same effect

41 The Addiction Cycle CHAPTER 23 Psychological Dependence
The user believes that a drug is needed in order to feel good or function normally. The user has a continued desire to take the drug.

42 The Addiction Cycle CHAPTER 23 Physiological Dependence
The user has a chemical need for the drug. The user experiences severe withdrawal symptoms when the drug is not present.

43 The Addiction Cycle CHAPTER 23 Addiction
Psychological or physiological dependence of a drug. Causes persistent, compulsive use of a substance known to be harmful.

44 Consequences of Drug Use
CHAPTER 23 Consequences of Drug Use Individual Legal Family and friends Babies and children Society

45 CHAPTER 23 LESSON 3 Marijuana, Inhalants, Steroids

46 Illegal drug; grass, weed, pot
CHAPTER 23 Marijuana “A plant, whose leaves, buds, and flowers are smoked for intoxicating effects” Illegal drug; grass, weed, pot

47 Health Risks of Marijuana
CHAPTER 23 Health Risks of Marijuana Brain Hallucinations and paranoia Impaired memory, reaction time Impaired coordination Distorted sense of sight, sound Bloodshot eyes, dry mouth

48 Health Risks of Marijuana
CHAPTER 23 Health Risks of Marijuana Heart and Lungs Heart and lung damage Lung irritation, coughing Increased risk of lung cancer Weakened immunity Colds, flu, viral infections

49 Risks and Consequences: Friends
You lose your friends and replace them with your addiction.

50 Glue, spray paint, gasoline, varnishes
CHAPTER 23 Inhalants “Substances whose fumes are sniffed and inhaled to achieve a mind-altering effect” Glue, spray paint, gasoline, varnishes

51 Dangers of Inhalants CHAPTER 23 Permanent nervous system
and brain damage Glassy stare, slurred speech Impaired judgment Death by cardiac arrest Death by suffocation

52 Anabolic-Androgenic Steroids
CHAPTER 23 Anabolic-Androgenic Steroids “Synthetic substances that are similar to the male sex hormone testosterone” Anabolic means muscle-building Androgenic refers to increased male characteristics

53 Male Risks to Growth and Development
CHAPTER 23 Male Risks to Growth and Development Reduced sperm production Lowers testosterone levels Severe back acne Depression when not on Steroid cycle

54 Female Risks to Growth and Development
CHAPTER 23 Female Risks to Growth and Development Infertility Increase in testosterone levels Deep voice, unwanted facial hair

55 “An irrational suspiciousness of distrust of others”
CHAPTER 23 Paranoia “An irrational suspiciousness of distrust of others”

56 Problems with Steroid Abuse
CHAPTER 23 Problems with Steroid Abuse Felony – Jail Time Liver and Kidney Damage Roid Rage Stripped of Titles or Medals Suspensions NFL 4 Games MLB 50 Games

57 CHAPTER 23 LESSON 4 Psychoactive Drugs

58 Psychoactive Drugs CHAPTER 23
“Chemicals that affect the central nervous system and alter activity in the brain”

59 Stimulants Depressants Narcotics Hallucinogens
CHAPTER 23 Psychoactive Drugs Stimulants Depressants Narcotics Hallucinogens

60 Stimulants - Uppers CHAPTER 23
“Drugs that speed up the central nervous system” Legal: Caffeine, nicotine Illegal: Cocaine, Crack, Meth

61 Stimulants CHAPTER 23 Cocaine Marijuana Crack Nicotine
Amphetamines Ecstasy Methamphetamines

62 Stimulants Effects CHAPTER 23 Alertness Decreased Appetite
Increased Metabolism Euphoria

63 Stimulants Health Consequences CHAPTER 23 Headache Depression
Heart Attack or Stroke Malnutrition

64 Depressants - Downers CHAPTER 23
“Drugs that slow down the central nervous system” Combining alcohol and depressants can cause a coma or sudden death

65 Depressants CHAPTER 23 Barbiturates Alcohol Tranquilizers
Rohypnol (Date rape drug) GHB (Gammahydroxy butyric acid)

66 Depressants Effects CHAPTER 23 Slows Reaction Time Sleepiness
Decreased Heart Rate Lowers Inhibitions

67 Depressants Health Consequences CHAPTER 23 Reduced Heart Rate
Coma or Death Depression Seizures or Heart Attack

68 Block pain messengers in the brain; highly addictive
CHAPTER 23 Narcotics “Specific drugs derived from the opium plant, that are obtainable only by prescription, and are used to relieve pain” Block pain messengers in the brain; highly addictive

69 CHAPTER 23 Narcotics Opium OxyContin Morphine Vicodin Heroin Codeine

70 CHAPTER 23 Narcotics Effects Pain Relief Euphoria Relieves Tension

71 Narcotics Health Consequences CHAPTER 23 Nausea and Constipation
Respiratory Arrest Rapid Tolerance and Addictions Insomnia

72 No medical use; overload sensory controls in the brain
CHAPTER 23 Hallucinogens “Drugs that alter moods, thoughts, and sense perceptions including vision, hearing, smell, and touch” No medical use; overload sensory controls in the brain

73 CHAPTER 23 Hallucinogens PCP LSD MDMA (Ecstasy) Ketamine Marijuana

74 Hallucinogens Effects CHAPTER 23 Euphoria Hallucinations
Lowered Inhibitions Short Term Memory Loss

75 Hallucinogens Health Consequences CHAPTER 23 Delusions - Flashbacks
Depression Suicidal Thoughts Confusion - Disorientation

76 Designer or Club Drugs CHAPTER 23
“Synthetic substances meant to imitate the effects of hallucinogens and other dangerous drugs”

77 CHAPTER 23 Designer or Club Drugs Ecstasy

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