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Premiere Fun Things Episode 3….

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Presentation on theme: "Premiere Fun Things Episode 3…."— Presentation transcript:

1 Premiere Fun Things Episode 3…

2 Split Screen Want to do a perfect split screen? Yes! Okay!
Put your two videos on two different lines Add the Video Effect under Transform called Crop Under Crop in the Effects Control panel, set Left to 50 on one clip and Right to 50 on the other You could also do top/bottom! Just remember when you film split screens to keep the person on the correct side with the camera!

3 Black and White The fast way… Video Effects Image Control

4 Black and White—another way
Another way is to use the Video Effect under Adjust called ProcAmp Change the Saturation level to 0…that desaturates and removes all color You can also adjust clip brightness, contrast, and if you want selective color, play around with low sat levels and change hues…kinda fun

5 Sepia Look To give film a sepia look…
First, apply a Black and White video effect Video Effect, Image Adjust, Black and White Then, apply a Color Balance (RGB) effect Video Effect, Image Adjust, Color Balance (RGB) A good setting is 75, 75, 50 but you can play with that to decide for yourself

6 Sepia, but Old Look… For more control over the colors of the light and dark areas, use Tint Video Effects, Image Control, Tint Change the black areas to a color (here, brown) Change the white areas to a color (here, off white) Set amount to a high number (80-100)

7 Funky Variation of Tint

8 Crazy Blur In Simple, it’s a Preset!
Effects panel, Presets, Blurs, Fast Blur In This makes it quick go from blurry to normal (you can do Fast Blur Out to do the opposite

9 Crazy Blur In-Refined You can customize exactly when the blur stops and starts in the Effect Controls panel Just move the starting and ending keyframes in the sequence Good for “dream” sequences

10 Cool Zoom Transition This one is neat…great for action scenes
Have two clips, side by side Pull the Cross Zoom Transition over to the overlap between clips (Effects, Video Transitions, Zoom, Cross Zoom)

11 Cool Zoom (cont’d) Click the transition and then use the Effect Controls panel to modify the length or focus—check “Show Actual Sources” so you can see it

12 Adding Strobe… Think strobe light (blinking)… if you apply strobe, it will blink white (you’ll fix that, though) Video Effects, Stylize, Strobe Basically, you change the color of the strobe and then mess with the settings to give it an old school blinking filmstrip feel (see my settings on next slide)

13 Adding Strobe… Use strobe after other effects (see below) to get cool old school film! 

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