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TKAM – Chapters 25-28.

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1 TKAM – Chapters 25-28

2 An isopod crustacean of the family Armadillidiidae
(Think: Crunchy like Armadillos) (AKA pill bugs or Roly Poly Bugs)

3 Chapter 25 Scout is about to mash a roly-poly bug when Jem stops her. It’s another innocent creature. SYMBOL!!!! Scout thinks about how Dill and Jem saw Tom Robinson’s mom collapse when she heard the news of her son’s death. Mr. Underwood writes an article about the death as a sin, like the “senseless slaughter of songbirds by hunters and children” (323 –soft cover 243 – hard cover).

4 Quote Search Find a quote that shows what Scout is thinking.
Find a quote that shows the town has changed.

5 Chapter 26 Scout longs to see Boo Radley just once, but Atticus tells her to leave him alone. He lets on that he knew more about the children’s adventures than Scout realized.


7 Chapter 26, Continued Scout points out how hypocritical her teacher, Miss Gates, is when she says it’s wrong for Hitler to persecute the Jews. This was hypocritical because Scout heard her talking to Miss Stephanie after the trial saying, “it’s time somebody taught ‘em [black people] a lesson, they were getting’ way above themselves, an’ the next thing they think they can do is marry us” (331).


9 Chapter 27 WPA = Works Progress Administration = Depression job program (part of “Alphabet Soup”). Bob Ewell gets a job with them then loses it within a few days. Ewell starts stalking Helen Robinson, Tom’s mother. Judge Taylor finds him rummaging around outside his house. Ewell seems to have an issue with everyone associated w/the trial. Halloween pageant where Scout dresses like a ham


11 MLA Practice Activity Name 12-5-14
Using the quote you chose yesterday, practice MLA Formatting. Write your quote like this: Name Harper Lee writes, “your quote here” (#). This quote shows…

12 Chapter 28 Pageant occurs. Scout misses her entrance, everyone laughs at her. The lady in charge of the pageant accuses her of ruining the whole play. Jem & Scout wait backstage for everyone to leave. (Atticus & Aunt Alexandra were too tired to attend, so Jem took her.) On the way home, a dark shadow appears and attacks the children. Scout falls as she begins to run away. Jem breaks free of the attacker and drags Scout across the road. Scout hears a crunching sound and Jem screams. Scout feels around on the ground but only finds an unshaven man who smells of whiskey.

13 Chapter 28, Continued Scout stumbles towards home and sees, in the light of a streetlamp, a man carrying Jem toward their house. Scout reaches home and the adults call Heck Tate and Dr. Reynolds. When Dr. Reynolds comes out, he informs the family that Jem has a broken arm and a bump on his head. The man who carried Jem home is still in the room, but Scout doesn’t recognize him…


15 Chapter 28 Concludes with…
Heck Tate (Sheriff) informs the family that Bob Ewell is lying under a tree, dead, with a knife stuck under his ribs.

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