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Sponge Activity Create a Venn Diagram comparing the terms used in the previous class: Revolution Rotation Rotation Revolution.

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Presentation on theme: "Sponge Activity Create a Venn Diagram comparing the terms used in the previous class: Revolution Rotation Rotation Revolution."— Presentation transcript:

1 Sponge Activity Create a Venn Diagram comparing the terms used in the previous class: Revolution Rotation Rotation Revolution

2 Sponge Activity Rotation - spinning of Earth on its axis, which causes day and night; it takes 24 hours for Earth to complete one rotation. Revolution - the motion of Earth around the Sun, which takes about 365 1/4 days, or one year, to complete.

3 Phases of the Moon and Lunar Eclipses
YouTube - Phases of the Moon 3D animation Phases of the Moon and Lunar Eclipses

4 The Moon’s Phases Moon phases occur for 2 reasons:
1. We see the moon only because it reflects sunlight. 2. The moon orbits around earth.

5 The Moon’s Phases The sun lights the half of the moon that is facing it. We see changing amounts of the sunlit half.

6 The Moon’s Phases From earth, the face of the moon changes from all dark to all light, or from new moon to full moon in about 2 weeks. At this time the moon is said to be WAXING.

7 The Moon’s Phases During the next 2 weeks, the face of the moon gradually changes from all light back to all dark, or full moon back to new moon. At this time the moon is said to be WANING. moon phases

8 If the sun lights the side of the moon facing us…
If the sun lights the side of the moon facing us….what will the moon look like from earth?



11 Moon Phase Demo Try this little demonstration. You will need a lamp and a small black ball. Pretend the lamp is the Sun, the ball is the Moon, and your head is Earth. Darken the room except for the lamp. Now, hold the ball straight out in front of you. Stand facing the lamp. The ball will appear dark because the lighted side of the ball is facing away from you. This position represents the New Moon, dark and about to be born. Now, turn just a little tiny bit to your left, still holding the ball straight out. You will see only a thin lighted crescent on the right side of the ball. Now turn to the left a little more until the light is on your right. You will see half the lighted side of the ball. This position represents the First Quarter phase of the Moon.                                                                                                                                                    




15 Lunar Eclipses

16 Lunar Eclipses The shadow cast by any opaque object has 2 parts:
The umbra is the area of total shadow and the penumbra is the area of partial shadow.


18 Lunar Eclipse A lunar eclipse is an event during which earth’s shadow prevents the sunlight from reaching the moon. Can only occur during a full moon phase.

19 Lunar Eclipses Even though a full moon occurs every month, a lunar eclipse occurs less often because of the 5º angle between the plane of earth’s orbit and the plane of the moon’s orbit. The full moon is usually above or below Earth’s umbra and no eclipse occurs.


21 Lunar Eclipses When an eclipse does occur, the moon usually remains visible, but has a dusty red or coppery color. Why?

22 Earth’s atmosphere absorbs the shorter, blue wavelengths and bends some sunlight- mostly longer red wavelengths- into the umbra, giving the moon a dusty red color.


24 What causes moon phases and lunar eclipses?
Exit Ticket What causes moon phases and lunar eclipses?

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