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Eurostat report of 1 September 2014

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1 Eurostat report of 1 September 2014
Actuarial assessment of the PSEO at Eurostat report of 1 September 2014 Item 4 of the agenda WG on Article 83 of the SR. Doc Art83_03

2 WG on Article 83 of the SR. Doc. 20150629 Art83_03
Contribution Rate (CR) to apply from the 1st July 2014 WG on Article 83 of the SR. Doc Art83_03

3 Yearly change in the PCR
Council Regulation 1201 of 7 November 2014, sets out the PCR for 2011, 2012 and 2013. 2013 PCR was set to 10.9%, 1% higher than the one calculated in 2012 (9.9%) The 1% increase is mainly due to changes in: Real Discount Rate, Life Table, Population. WG on Article 83 of the SR. Doc Art83_03

4 WG on Article 83 of the SR. Doc. 20150629 Art83_03
Contribution rates from 2004 The 2013 calculated CR effective from , has become 10.3% following the 0.8% increase of remunerations and pensions effective from 1 July 2012, as from Regulation (EU) N° 423/2014 of 16 April 2014 of the European Parliament and Council. WG on Article 83 of the SR. Doc Art83_03

5 WG on Article 83 of the SR. Doc. 20150629 Art83_03
Computation of the 2014 Contribution Rate The contribution rate was computed as the actuarial value of: the service cost ( million €) divided by the staff annual basic salaries ( million €) The total service cost was the sum of: Service cost for retirement ( million €) Service cost for invalidity (50.7 million €) Service cost for death (37 million €) WG on Article 83 of the SR. Doc Art83_03

6 WG on Article 83 of the SR. Doc. 20150629 Art83_03
Summary of main actuarial assumptions The 2014 assessment was based on a population of contributing members at Real Discount Rate (RDR) = 2.7% General Salary Growth (GSG) = -0.2% Individual Salary Progression (ISP) = “2013 ISP table” Function groups Average AD - Administrators 1.4% AST - Assistants SC - Secretary / Clerks GFI - Contract agents. Function group I 1.0% GFII - Contract agents. Function group II GFIII - Contract agents. Function group III GFVI - Contract agents. Function group IV 0.8% PA - Parliamentary assistants 0.9% Weighted average 1.3% WG on Article 83 of the SR. Doc Art83_03

7 WG on Article 83 of the SR. Doc. 20150629 Art83_03
Reference population by Institution and Agency Institution or Agency Total % European Commission 30 634 54% 31 090 53% European Parliament 8 644 15% 9 023 Council of the European Union 3 087 5% 3 112 Court of Justice of the European Communities 1 997 4% 2 210 Court of Auditors 897 2% 946 Economic and Social Committee 756 1% 762 Committee of the Regions 545 542 Other institutions and decentralised Community agencies 10 464 18% 11 040 19% 57 024 100% 58 725 WG on Article 83 of the SR. Doc Art83_03

8 WG on Article 83 of the SR. Doc. 20150629 Art83_03
Reference population at by age WG on Article 83 of the SR. Doc Art83_03

9 WG on Article 83 of the SR. Doc. 20150629 Art83_03
Impact of changes on the Pension Contribution Rate Items Remark Change breakdown 2013 assessment 10.9 - RDR - Assum but RDR 2013 -0.8 - GSG - Assum but GSG 2013 0.3 - Life table - Assumptions 2014 but Mortality 2013 -0.1 - Invalidity table - Assum but Invalidity 2013 - Turnover - Assum but Turnover 2013 0.1 - Other assumptions and population  2013 other assumptions and population -0.2 2014 assessment 10.1 2013 PSEO CR has been applied by virtue of Council regulation 1201/2014. A 12 y moving average for both the RDR (2.4%) and GSG (-0.3%), due to the temporary legal vacuum between (relevant articles in Annex XII expired) and (new Staff regulations effective only since ). WG on Article 83 of the SR. Doc Art83_03

10 WG on Article 83 of the SR. Doc. 20150629 Art83_03
Technical implementation of the Annex XII Technical questions were dealt with by Eurostat in cooperation with national experts (Article 83 Working Group) Eurostat exchanged relevant information with actuaries from ISRP, Eurocontrol and EPO Eurostat was assisted by Ernst & Young Actuaires-Conseils / Paris Ernst & Young confirmed the final contribution rate presented in the Eurostat Report of 1st September 2014 WG on Article 83 of the SR. Doc Art83_03

11 Any question on this document?
Thank you for your attention WG on Article 83 of the SR. Doc Art83_03

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