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A3 3.1b To Use Rational Exponents

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Presentation on theme: "A3 3.1b To Use Rational Exponents"— Presentation transcript:

1 A3 3.1b To Use Rational Exponents
A3 3.1b To Use Rational Exponents

2 Active Learning Assignment?

3 When you have Rational Exponents:
LESSON: When you have Rational Exponents: * Which is harder to calculate? Power Root * = 8 = 8 = 3 * You may add RULES 1 – 12 to your *POWER SHEET*. (NO examples!)

4 You may write these on your powers sheet, BUT NO EXAMPLES!
Remember: When dealing with the exponents, leave the bases alone Powers & Roots don’t play nicely with Add. & Subt. Exponents only belong to what they are right next to. ODD Powers & Roots work out nicely!

5 Write each expression using positive rational exponents:

6 Write each expression using a radical sign and no negative exponents:

7 Simplify without calculators:
= 4

8 Try (Simplify without calculators):

9 Try (Simplify without calculators):

10 Try (Simplify without calculators):

11 Active Learning Assignment: Handout that says P. 178 at the bottom:
1 – 6 (abc), 7, 8, 11, 12

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