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The Lightning Thief Literature Circles

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Presentation on theme: "The Lightning Thief Literature Circles"— Presentation transcript:

1 The Lightning Thief Literature Circles
Infused with Depth & Complexity & the Content imperatives to dig deeper

2 Think Pair Share Why do you think that I just showed you these short videos while I am introducing Literature Circles? Think to yourself Share it with a partner Share out 9j3-ghRjBs

3 Literature Circles allow for student centered learning and differentiation. We are also going to use Kaplan icons so that you can dig deeper with your thinking.

4 Literature Circle Role
The Discussion Director prepares questions for the circle. They also open, facilitate and close the discussion. Discussion Director

5 Literature Circle Role
The Connector connects with any of the characters, events, conflict, setting, etc… Also relates with anything from the story to world events, moments in history, personal experiences, or other stories/characters/events. Connector

6 Literature Circle Role
Your task is to keep track of a character in the story. The Profiler gets into the mind of the character, noting his/her thoughts, feelings, plans, strengths and weaknesses. Profiler

7 Literature Circle Role
Select and present passages, based on what you find interesting, helpful, and/or an appropriate example of the author’s use of a literary device. Literary Luminary

8 They are in a frame shape
You can choose which 2 sides that you want to complete along with the center of the frame

9 The questions have icons that represent depth and complexity such as:
Big Ideas or generalizations Details or parts

10 Language of the Discipline or
Ethics or dilemmas Language of the Discipline or Terminology

11 Organizational Structures
Patterns or Recurring Elements Rules or Organizational Structures

12 Multiple Perspectives or Different Points of View
Trends or Tendencies Multiple Perspectives or Different Points of View

13 Relate Over Time or Noting Changes Unanswered Questions or An Unknown

14 Across Disciplines or Touching on Many Subjects at Once

15 Content Imperatives Contribution or Impact Convergence or Merging

16 Origin or Source Paradox or Opposites

17 Parallel or Similar

18 15 minutes to get through it once Try to get the most cards
Concentration/Matching Game Partner Up 32 Cards 15 minutes to get through it once Try to get the most cards

19 Let’s Begin - - Groups Folders Assign Roles and-complete
assignment sheet Look at Role frames and review ( Questions Let’s Begin

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