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LO4: Be able to assess the long-term effects of physical activity on the musculo-skeletal and cardio-respiratory systems Mrs Allinson.

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Presentation on theme: "LO4: Be able to assess the long-term effects of physical activity on the musculo-skeletal and cardio-respiratory systems Mrs Allinson."— Presentation transcript:

1 LO4: Be able to assess the long-term effects of physical activity on the musculo-skeletal and cardio-respiratory systems Mrs Allinson

2 Task You will produce a report which discusses the long term effect of physical activity on the musculo-skeletal and cardio-respiratory systems You will Record breathing rate, resting hear rate, training heart rate and time taken to return to resting heart rate. Record muscle size in arms and legs. All need to be done, before during and after training programme. You will then devise a 6 week training programme and complete this and measure the results. You will then explain the fitness tests you will use (same as usual, explain them, compare to normative data and put in what they got) BUT you will include what they got at the end of the 6 weeks training programme as well.

3 Changes in muscle size and strength
Long term effects of physical activity on the musculo skeletal and cardiorespiratory system and reasons for these Changes in muscle size and strength

4 2. Changes in resting heart rate
Long term effects of physical activity on the musculo skeletal and cardiorespiratory system and reasons for these 2. Changes in resting heart rate

5 3. Changes in training heart rate
Long term effects of physical activity on the musculo skeletal and cardiorespiratory system and reasons for these 3. Changes in training heart rate

6 4. Changes in heart rate recovery
Long term effects of physical activity on the musculo skeletal and cardiorespiratory system and reasons for these 4. Changes in heart rate recovery

7 5. Changes in flexibility
Long term effects of physical activity on the musculo skeletal and cardiorespiratory system and reasons for these 5. Changes in flexibility

8 6.Changes in muscle recovery
Long term effects of physical activity on the musculo skeletal and cardiorespiratory system and reasons for these 6.Changes in muscle recovery

9 7. Changes to lung capacity
Long term effects of physical activity on the musculo skeletal and cardiorespiratory system and reasons for these 7. Changes to lung capacity

10 8. changes to bone density, joint stability and osteoporosis risk
Long term effects of physical activity on the musculo skeletal and cardiorespiratory system and reasons for these 8. changes to bone density, joint stability and osteoporosis risk

11 Other effects you have found
Long term effects of physical activity on the musculo skeletal and cardiorespiratory system and reasons for these Other effects you have found

12 Other effects you have found
Long term effects of physical activity on the musculo skeletal and cardiorespiratory system and reasons for these Other effects you have found

13 Ways to measure and record the long term effects of physical activity on the msuculo-skeltal and cardio-respiratory system 1. Having a suitable long term activity or training programme to bring about adaptations – must have progressive overload 2.Methods to measure the effects such as spirometry to measure lung function and capactity, cooper test to check fro improvements in aerobic capacity. 3. Recording the outcomes with regular testing of the heart rate, muscle size etc

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