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ACT Science: Day 1 Warm-up:

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1 ACT Science: Day 1 Warm-up:
What are the steps of the Scientific Method?

2 Steps of the Scientific Method
The scientific method is a way to ask and answer scientific questions by making observations and doing experiments. The steps of the scientific method are to: Ask a Question Do Background Research Construct a Hypothesis Test Your Hypothesis by Doing an Experiment Analyze Your Data and Draw a Conclusion Communicate Your Results Source:

3 ACT Science Overview: Day 1
Test structure 3 passage types Strategy for taking the test Practice Test

4 ACT Science Overview General Information:
35 minutes to answer 40 questions 4 answer choices 7 test passages Covers: Biology, Chemistry, Earth/Space Science, Physics No Calculators Allowed (or needed)

5 ACT Science Overview Data Representation (38%) Graph reading
Interpretation of scatterplots Interpretation of information presented in tables, diagrams, and figures.

6 ACT Science Overview Research Summaries (45%).
Descriptions of one or more related experiments. Design of experiments and the Interpretation of experimental results.

7 ACT Science Overview Conflicting Viewpoints (17%).
Expressions of several hypotheses or views that are inconsistent with one another. Understanding, analysis, and comparison of alternative viewpoints or hypotheses.

8 ACT Science: Test Strategies
There are no facts to learn for the ACT science section! You are being tested on how science is done, so think like a scientist! Use the information the test writers have given you, not what you think you already know. If you are running out of time, quickly fill in any blank questions on the answer sheet- even if you have not read the question.

9 ACT Science: Test Strategies
Timing & Order: 1. Data Representation (5 questions) – do these three passages first! 2. Research Summaries (6 questions) - do theses passages second! 3. Conflicting Viewpoints (7 questions) - Do this one last! Has the most reading & takes the longest: sucks time!!! Identify the passages by the # of questions Open test booklet, scan each passage, check the # of questions & number the passages 1,2,3…start answering in that order

10 ACT Science: Practice Test

11 ACT Science: Day 2 Warm-up:
What are the parts of a controlled experiment?

12 Parts of a controlled experiment:
Name Hypothesis Independent Variable Dependent Variable Constant Control What does it do? An explanation based on observed facts or an idea of how things work What the scientist changes in each trial of the experiment The RESULTS of what the scientist has changed Factors that are not changed in each trial of the experiment The standard to which the scientist compares the results of each trial Key Word(s) AN EDUCATED GUESS CAUSE EFFECT ALWAYS THE SAME BASELINE How many are there in an experiment? ONE MANY Example An increase in the number of taps to a can of soda will result in a decrease in the amount of spray The number of taps on the can The amount of spray produced by the can The brand of soda, temperature of soda, method for tapping, etc. The amount of spray an untapped can produces

13 ACT Science Overview: Day 2
Passage Types Overview & Strategies SCIeNCE acronym for reading introductions Practice SCIeNCE (3 examples) Apply SCIeNCE to practice ACT test from day 1.

14 Passage Types Overview & Strategies
Data Representation 1. “Graphing” passages 2. 3 on each ACT; 5 questions each 3. Can be of any scientific content 4. Generally ask you to pick data points off a graph, interpret data trends, analyze info presented in figures or equations 5. Do this section FIRST, quickest to answer! 6. Not a lot to read, factual questions 7. Spend about 3-4 minutes on each DR section

15 ACT: Science Sample DR Question
 The scientists determined the thermal conductivity of the 4 rock types at a number of different temperatures between 0°C and 400°C. The results are shown in Figure 1 According to the chart, the thermal conductivity of rock salt measured at a temperature of 500°C would be closest to which of the following values? A W/m°C B W/m°C C W/m°C D W/m°C Answer: B

16 Passage Types Overview & Strategies
Research Summaries 1. Describe scientific experiments 2. 3 on each ACT; 6 questions each 3. Do this section SECOND! 5-6 minutes 4. Has graphs and charts like the DR section but they also focus on proper experiment design, drawing conclusions, knowledge of scientific method & parts of a controlled experiment 5. More complex than the DR section 6. Has headings like “Experiment 1, 2, 3”

17 ACT: Science Sample RS Question
Clicking on the link above will take you to the website The Research Summary question will appear (sample science question passage 2)

18 Passage Types Overview & Strategies
Conflicting Viewpoints 1. Contain two opposing scientific viewpoints about some theory or process 2. Only ONE on the test; 7 questions 3. Lots of reading, not many graphs 4. Do LAST! 5 to 8 minutes

19 ACT: Science Sample CV Question
Clicking on the link above will take you to the website The Conflicting Viewpoints question will appear (sample science question passage 1)

20 Use before answering questions to focus on what’s important!
SCIeNCE Strategies S = Scan the passage C = Check the main idea Ie = Ignore the Extras N = Note the References C = Choose the best answer E = Eliminate the incorrect answers Use before answering questions to focus on what’s important!

21 S = Scan the passage SCIeNCE Strategies Look over the topic
Notice what the graphs & charts are presenting Take about seconds S = Scan the passage

22 C = Check the main idea SCIeNCE Strategies S = Scan the passage
Underline, circle, or mark in some way the Main idea Draw trend arrows for graphs Identify the scientists’ arguments in the CV section Helps to analyze Q’s later S = Scan the passage C = Check the main idea

23 Ie = Ignore the Extras SCIeNCE Strategies C = Check the main
Entire data tables and descriptions of experiments may never be used! Don’t get tied up in the extras Focus! S = Scan the passage C = Check the main idea Ie = Ignore the Extras

24 Use while answering the questions!
SCIeNCE Strategies S = Scan the passage C = Check the main idea Ie = Ignore the Extras N = Note the References C = Choose the best answer E = Eliminate the incorrect answers Use while answering the questions!

25 “Based on the results of Experiment 3”
SCIeNCE Strategies S = Scan the passage C = Check the main idea Ie = Ignore the Extras N = Note the References 1) If the question refers to a specific experiment, chart, graph, etc. LOOK THERE IMMEDIATELY! Don’t waste time rereading other sections! “According to figure 1” “Based on the results of Experiment 3”

26 C = Choose the best answer SCIeNCE Strategies N = Note the References
S = Scan the passage C = Check the main idea Ie = Ignore the Extras N = Note the References C = Choose the best answer Use your Main idea notes Read the question stems Do not leave any blank

27 SCIeNCE Strategies E = Eliminate the incorrect answers N = Note the
S = Scan the passage C = Check the main idea Ie = Ignore the Extras N = Note the References C = Choose the best answer E = Eliminate the incorrect answers Physically cross out the incorrect options Don’t over analyze your answer choices

28 SCIeNCE Strategies: Application
Complete the Practice examples 1-3 (Passage Dissection: Introductions) & Practice examples 1-2 (Passage Dissection: Tables, Graphs, and Figures) S = Scan the passage C = Check the main idea Ie = Ignore the Extras N = Note the References C = Choose the best answer E = Eliminate the incorrect answers

29 ACT Science: Day 3 Warm-up: Match the WORD to its DEFINITON Variables
X axis Y axis D. Infer an element, feature, or factor that is liable to vary or change The line on a graph that runs vertically (up-down) through zero C. To conclude from evidence The line on a graph that runs horizontally (left-right) through zero

30 ACT Science Overview: Day 3
Question Types Question Stems Answer Choices Strategies: SCIeNCE Practice Sets

31 ACT Science: Question Types
Factual Inference “Xtreme”!

32 Question Types: Factual
Based on facts or data presented in the introduction or in the charts, tables, etc. Generally 2-3 of these in the Data Rep. or Research Sum. Passages and 1 or 2 in a Conflicting VP passage Can be answered quickly; easiest to answer

33 Question Types: Inference
Must conclude from evidence; requires critical thinking! Often asks to compare the results from two experiments or to figure out with which statement a scientist would disagree. Most questions are inference based…testing your reasoning skills!

34 Question Types: “Xtreme”
Combination of factual and inference questions. Pick out conflicting information from different experiments or graphs and then analyze them in new ways. One or two questions in the Data Rep. & Research Summaries are this type; Two or three in the Conflicting VP.

35 Question Stems: Wording to Watch
1 Based on…which of the following is most consistent… 2 Based on…one would conclude that… 3 According to…Scientist 1 would most likely argue… 4 Based on the results… if (some condition) is changed, then… 5 According to Scientist 2’s explanation, the reason that… 6 Which student would predict…based on (some change in the experiment) 7 Which scientist would most likely agree with… 8 Assume that (some condition). On the basis of Table 2, one would conclude 9 (A new piece of info) Based on this info and on … which of the following predictions is most likely true/false if… 10 If Experiment 2 had been repeated using…then which if the following figures best represents this new data? 11 A scientist hypothesized (some new info). Do the results of…support this hypothesis? 12 Which of the following statements best explains why (some part of the experiment)? 13 Suppose (some new fact). Which of the following statements about (this new fact) is most consistent with the info presented in the passage?

36 Answer Choices: What to Look for
Simple Numbers (almost always presented in ascending or descending order) 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 Combinations of Numbers (usually an orderly pattern) A reading of 0.8 mg/ml at a pH of 3 A reading of 0.7 mg/ml at a pH of 4 A reading of 0.6 mg/ml at a pH of 5 A reading of 0.5 mg/ml at a pH of 6

37 Answer Choices: What to Look for
Ranges of Numbers (may be given by themselves or with other pieces of info) between 75 dB and 80 dB at 150 meters between 85 dB and 90 dB at 150 meters between 75 dB and 80 dB at 250 meters J. between 85 dB and 90 dB at 250 meters Simple Words/Phrases (usually in alphabetical order) Cellular respiration Fermentation Glycolysis Photosynthesis

38 Answer Choices: What to Look for
Longer Phrases (can tell you if the question is factual, inference, or xtreme…many of the choices will be similar; consider all options before choosing one) Scientist 1, because of the greater effects if electromagnetism Scientist 2, because of the greater effect of induced forces Scientist 1, because of the lesser effect of induced forces Scientist 2, because of the lesser effect of electromagnetism

39 Answer Choices: What to Look for
Graphs or Figures (must first understand the experiment and often then apply data from a table to answer the question) Tip: look back at your notes/trend arrows and match up your notes with the answer choices To view an example, click on the green section above. This will take you to View Sample Science Questions: Passage 6 Look at Question #3

40 SCIeNCE Strategies: Application
S = Scan the passage C = Check the main idea Ie = Ignore the Extras N = Note the References C = Choose the best answer E = Eliminate the incorrect answers Complete the Practice Sets 1-2

41 ACT Science Overview: Day 4
Data Representation Passages & Practice Research Summary Passages & Practice

42 Data Representation Passages
Contain multiple graphs, often with different scales on both vertical axes Very “number heavy” Has a large amount of extra info Sometimes contain a sentence or two either at the beginning of a passage or sandwiched in the middle of several of the diagrams Use the SCIeNCE strategy! 3 of these passages on each test; do first! Recognize them by the 5 questions…

43 Data Representation Passages
Practice Sets: 1. p273 – 278 (Chapter 21) 2. p390 – 393 (warm-up drill)

44 Research Summaries Passages
Consists of 2 or 3 experiments about the same concept There are 3 RS passages on each test; should be done 2nd. Recognize them by the 6 questions that follow each passage Use the SCIeNCE strategy!

45 Research Summaries Passages
Practice Sets: 1. p279 – 286 (Chapter 22) 2. p398 – 403 (warm-up drill)

46 ACT Science Overview: Day 5
Conflicting Viewpoints: Passages & Practice Discussion & Review

47 Conflicting Viewpoints Passages
Often called a “theory” passage Relies more heavily on unsupported evidence than had data Tests your reading and science reasoning ability Time sucker! There is one CV passage on each test; do last! Recognize by the 7 questions that follow the passage

48 Conflicting Viewpoints Passages
Practice Sets: 1. p287 – 294 (Chapter 23) 2. p410 – 412 (passage 2)

49 ACT Science Overview: Day 6
Practice ACT Science Test Scale Score & Discuss

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